Cannon Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Cannon free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Attribution 3.0
Machine Gun Burst 50 Cal
50 caliber machine gun burst. 3 burst of from an automatic 50 cal machine gunner. Great for a battle or war sequence.

Attribution 3.0
Perfect Thunder Storm
The Perfect Thunder Storm sound effect. Great lightning and thunder. Clean crisp loud.. and free.

Attribution 3.0
10 Guage Shotgun
Stereo recorded 10 Guage Shotgun blast sound effect. Great for a movie, game, or power point presentation. Very clear and clean gun shot.

Attribution 3.0
Distant Thunder
The sound of a lightning bolt or thunder in the distance. Recorded during a summer rainstorm Aug 2009.

Attribution 3.0
Laser Cannon
Power Up and fire Laser Cannon for sci fi game of video. Nice blaser or laser cannon.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Colt Desert Eagle
A colt desert eagle being fired 4 times in an outdoor shooting range.

Attribution 3.0
Rain And Thunder Strikes
Cool sound of rain and thunder strikes. 2 thunder bolts with light rain as a background.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Boom grenade.wav sound effect. Great war explosion sound effect.

Attribution 3.0
Sonic Boom
Sonic Boom Sound Effect of an fighter jet breaking this sound barrier. this Actually a real sonic boom, not a fake. Thanks to sandeep singh for the request.

Attribution 3.0
Laser Machine Gun
Futuristic laser machine gun sound. What machine guns may sound like in the future. Gun cock and then pulse cannon fired many times.

Attribution 3.0
More Thunder
Recording of thunder and lightning sounds from a recent spring or early summer rain storm.

Personal Use Only
Depth Charge
Large depth charge. WWII explosions. Cannons, guns, depth charges. Bombs requested by Robert

Public Domain
The sound of a cannon blasting. Great for pirate or cival war battle scenes.

Attribution 3.0
Tank Firing
Huge boom from tank firing its cannon. Great military sound. Sound effect requested by Nicholas.

Attribution 3.0
Lightning Bolt Light Rain
A bit og light rain and a lightning bolt with thunder crack sound effect in distance.

Attribution 3.0
Perfect grenade explosion in stereo sound effect. Great for military or war sound effects.

Attribution 3.0
44 Magnum
44 Magnum gunshot outside with reverb. Nice clean and clear stereo 44 magnum gunfire sound.

Attr-Noncom 3.0 Unported
A lee enfield world war 2 rifle, single shot and with the reloading bolt sound. Great for a world war 2 anything.

Attribution 3.0
Medium Rainstorm
An average or medium size rainstorm or lightning storm. Very calming and relaxing really.

Attribution 3.0
Distant Thunder And Light Rain
The sound of a lightning bolt or thunder in the distance with light rain. Recorded during a summer rainstorm Aug 2009.

Attribution 3.0
Nice ak47 being fired on a shooting range. Great for battle sequences. Sound from a public domain movie.

Personal Use Only
Depth Charge Short
Large depth charge short. WWII explosions. Cannons, guns, depth charges. Bombs requested by Robert

Attribution 3.0
40 Cal Gun Shot X3
40 cal gun shot 3x. Great for a battle or war sequence. This gun shot sound was requested by Tabbitha, thanks Tabitha.

Attr-Noncom 3.0 Unported
World War 2 Rifle
A lee enfield world war 2 rifle, single shot and with the reloading bolt sound.

Attribution 3.0
More Thunder 2
Another field recording of thunder and lightning sounds from a recent spring or early summer rain storm.

Personal Use Only
Depth Charge Shorter
Large depth charge short. WWII explosions. Cannons, guns, depth charges. Bombs requested by Robert

Personal Use Only
Bullets Guns Cannons
Great war sounds from and intense battle. bullets guns cannons ricochets great battle audio clip

Public Domain
Musket Fire
The sound of Musket Fire at a civil war reenactment. Great for civil war, or wars in that time period.