Bad Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Bad free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Attribution 3.0
Maniacal Witches Laugh
A very maniacal Witch Laugh great for a halloween soundtrack, for scary movie, or scifi and fantasy fanatics.

Attribution 3.0
Sound effect of someone jumping. Almost sounds like a Mario or Luigi from Mario Brothers jumping sound effect. Great for a game or funny scene.

Attribution 3.0
Alarm Clock
Alarm clock beeping sound effect was requested by Lmmn61i. 22 alarm beeps in all.

Attribution 3.0
This is the sound that you hear right before the s.h.t.f. in a horror movie. Right before something bad happens. Very suspenseful.

Attribution 3.0
Nice generic bleep or beep #2 extracted from smoke alarm sound effect and then modded a little.

Attribution 3.0
Nice generic beep extracted from smoke alarm sound effect and then modded a little.

Attribution 3.0
Trying to record other things but the crickets wont stop chirping so i tweaked the file and now we have some cricket sounds.

Noncommercial 3.0
No Mercy
The voice is saying No mercy hahaha. Great audio for a spooky movie, scary game, or Halloween reel.

Attribution 3.0
Computer Error Alert
Clean computer error beep sound effect. Great to replace windows operating system default sound files.

Attribution 3.0
Smoke Alarm
I recorded a smoke alarm at the house we have serveral this is just from a generic smoke alarm used in a house. Could be used for fire settings as well. Sound wass requested by Kaye Barrett. Thanks Kaye

Attribution 3.0
Cop Car Siren
A cop car siren passed me on the way home, so i recorded it. Nice for a cop, or car chase, or just some city sound.

Attribution 3.0
A cool tornado sound clip. Great for huge wind gust. You can just hear the wind blowing so intensely. Great sound effect for a sandstorm in the middle east or similar as well.

Attribution 3.0
Climactic Suspense
This is the sound that you hear right before the s.h.t.f. in a horror movie. Right before something bad happens. Very suspenseful.

Attribution 3.0
Mirror Shattering
Mirror shattering sound effect, great for bad luck. :) This breaking sound requested by Michael.

Attribution 3.0
Computer Error
Cool computer error sound effect that you can use to replace you operating system error sound or to note an error.

Public Domain
Public domain bird sound of a Raven from NPS. Great audio for halloween or something spooky.

Attribution 3.0
Another sound that you hear right before the s.h.t.f. in a horror movie. Right before something bad happens. Very suspenseful.

Attribution 3.0
Perfect fire sound effect. Sounds of fire burning in a pit, fire barrel, house on fire, campfire, grilling food. No matter what the need this sound is great. Download in wav or mo3 format now.

Attribution 3.0
Train Wheels Grinding
Train wheels grinding and clainging while a freight train passes. Some great metal on metal grinding and shreaking going on there.

Attribution 3.0
Dry Cough
Dry cough sound effect. This one is probably a males cough. I was sick. Great for sickness, plague, pneumonia, or any other similar sound effect need.

Attr-Noncom 3.0 Unported
Baby Chicks
Sound of baby chicks calling to their mother. This sound was recorded by Tony Phillips, but we tweaked it and made is sound like some baby chicks and not osprey.

Attr-Noncom 3.0 Unported
Red Tailed Hawk
Red Tailed Hawk Call awesome field recording. Sound from Tony Phillips. Buteo jamaicensis.

Attribution 3.0
Evil Laugh
The sound of an Evil Laugh from some evil dude. Scary great for Halloween or some scary movie.

Attribution 3.0
Phone Off Hook
Phone off hook, or phone dead sound. Great for murder scene, or spooky movie scene, or anything similar where things have run amuck.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Laugh Evil
A great laugh that sounds evil. Great for halloween or other.

Attribution 3.0
Police Whistle
Traffic cop blowing his police whistle. Or a police officer chasing down bad guy.

Attr-Noncom 3.0 Unported
Osprey Call
Awesome Osprey or Sea Hawk Pandion Haliaetus Call field recording sound from our pal Tony Phillips.

Attribution 3.0
CD Skipping
That annoying sound that a cd makes when it skips. Great for skips, glitches, glitching, errors, and similar mishaps.

Attribution 3.0
Cop Car And Helicopter
Cop car sire and a police helicopter sound recording. Im guessing they were chasing someone that did something bad.