Bore Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Bore free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Attribution 3.0
Sawing Wood
Person sawing wood with a handsaw over and over again. Cutting a branch, plank, small tree, or plastic pipe using a handsaw. Great for a game where someone needs to create or errect objects.

Attribution 3.0
Tsunami Wave 2
A very large tsunami, tidal wave, or rogue wave sound effect 1 requested by Lincoln

Attribution 3.0
Pig Oinking
Pig oinking 2x sound effect. Sound of a pig on a farm oinking 2x in a row. Old McDonald had one of these on his farm.

Attribution 3.0
Pig Oink
Single fast pig oink sound effect. Sound of a pig on a farm oinking. Old McDonald had one of these on his farm. Sound requested by Diane Dunmire.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Teeth Chatter
Teeth chattering or teeth chatter sound effect. Great for someone who is cold, freezing, or similar. Sound requested by Ben Carlsile.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Builders Drilling
Sound of builders drilling a hole or boring a hole in the ground. Could be used for drilling a well, directional drilling, or even a jackhammer.

Attribution 3.0
Dog Panting Fast
A dog panting and breathing very fast and hard. Dog having a hard time breathing. (Canis lupus familiaris) .

Attribution 3.0
Snorting Pig
Another pig snort sound recorded at a farm. Thanks Caroline Ford for this sound.

Attribution 3.0
Pig Snort
The sound of a pig snorting recorded at a farm. Thanks Caroline Ford for this sound.

Attribution 3.0
Heavy Sigh
Me making a sighing sound, im obviously not impressed with what is going on at the moment.

Attribution 3.0
Throat Clearing
The sound of me clearing my throat. Im bored or annoyed or something. Trying to get attention.

Attribution 3.0
Hen Chicken
A great animal sound effect recorded by Caroline Ford. Thank for helping us out with the animal sound effects

Attribution 3.0
Sound of drilling. Could be driling for oil, drilling at work, mining, or even used for some spooky or halloween sound effect.

Attribution 3.0
Double Snort
The sound of a pig snorting twice recorded at a farm. thanks caroline ford for this sound.

Attribution 3.0
Tidal Wave
A very large tidal wave or rogue wave sound effect 1 requested by Lincoln

Attribution 3.0
Rogue Wave 3
Sound of a large rogue wave, tidal wave, or rogue wave sound effect 3 requested by Lincoln

Attribution 3.0
Electric Sander
Electric sander sound effect. My father uses a small hand held electric sander to buff some wood. Great vibrating wood shop sound effects.