Cinema Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Cinema free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Sampling Plus 1.0
Old Film Projector
Old film projector sound effect on a reel. The sound of an old film projector was requested by Casey Woolley.

Attribution 3.0
News Report Opening
A news report opening sound great for a news station or news intro. Just throw a voice over it and you are good. This sound was a request from Brandon. If you use this please be sure to site the artist and SoundBible.com

Sampling Plus 1.0
16mm Film Projector
16mm film projector sound effect hums and clicks. The sound of an old film projector was requested by Casey Woolley.

Public Domain
Cinematic Harsh Light
Cinematic atmospheric hard light sound effect. Spooky sound - created by Colin Enger. Great for a movie trailer.

Attribution 3.0
Old Movie Projector
Old movie projector sound effect. The sound of a an old projector like those used in the 70s and before.

Attribution 3.0
Newspaper Ticker
Sound of a newspaper ticker. Used when a spinning newspaper is shown. Was requested by Alissa Sallee. Thanks Alissa