Compact Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Compact free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Attribution 3.0
40 Smith Wesson 8x
8 gunshots.40 smith and wesson being fired out of a subcompact glock 27

Attribution 3.0
40 Smith Wesson
.40 smith and wesson being fired out of a subcompact glock 27

Attribution 3.0
Tires Squealing
Sound of a truck or large cars tires squealing loud and clear. Sound recorded in stereo. Great city, car, or similar sound effect.

Attribution 3.0
Snow Ball Throw And Splat
Snow Ball Throw and Splat sound. Requested by Caroline Ford from TuxPaint

Attribution 3.0
Engine Rev Inside Car
Engine Rev Inside Car. Nice engine revving motor sound effect.

Attribution 3.0
Door Unlock
Sound of electric locks being unlocked. Nice electric click sound for an auto or similar.

Attribution 3.0
Plastic Bottle Crush
The crushing of a plastic bottle. Thanks again to Simon Craggs!

Attribution 3.0
Snow or snowing sound effect. snowflakes hitting the ground sound. Requested by Caroline Ford from TuxPaint

Attribution 3.0
Electric Windows Roll Down
Electric windows on a honda van rolling down. Sound recorded from inside the van for best audio.

Attribution 3.0
Engine Inside Car
Engine Rev Inside Car. Nice engine revving motor sound effect.

Attribution 3.0
Keys In Ignition
The sound of Keys in Ignition of a car. You can hear some clicks as well.

Attribution 3.0
Gear Shift Into Drive
Sound of a vehicles gear shifting into drive. Auto or car sound.

Attribution 3.0
Gear Shift Into Park
Sound of a vehicles gear shifting into park. Auto or car sound.

Attribution 3.0
Snow Ball
Packing a Snow Ball Through and Splat. Requested by Caroline Ford from TuxPaint

Attribution 3.0
Glove Box Open
Sound of someone opening a glove compartment box in a nice car.

Attribution 3.0
Electric Windows Roll Up
Electric windows on a honda van rolling up. Sound recorded from inside the van for best audio.

Attribution 3.0
Sun Roof Open
The sun roof on our van opening. Electric sun roof. Could be used for an electric motor or robot, or automated process.

Attribution 3.0
Closing Drawer
The sound of someone closing a drawer of some sort. Great kitchen sound as well.

Attribution 3.0
Glove Box Close
Sound of someone closing a glove compartment box in a nice car.

Attribution 3.0
Sun Roof Close
The sun roof on our van closing. Electric sun roof. Could be used for an electric motor or robot, or automated process.

Attribution 3.0
Crushing Can On Head
Crushing beer can on my head sound, well not really but it sounds like it.