Cub Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Cub free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Attribution 3.0
Harpoon sound effect requested by Adam Brown. Great sound effect for a fisherman, scuba diver, or other such interest where a harpoon may be involved.

Personal Use Only
Typing On Computer Keyboard
Typing on computer keyboard at the office in a cubicle

Attribution 3.0
Sounds of demons and lost souls screaming in anguish in hell. Very cool for a spooky horror movie.

Attribution 3.0
Mummy Zombie
A super monster. A breed of mummy zombie werewolf. OK. maybe not but its a cool evil monster sound.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Fisher Cat
Real fisher cat sounds in wav and mp3 format. High resolution audio of this elusive animal. Great recording.

Attribution 3.0
Monster Laugh
The sound of a monster laughing. Great for a zombie, halloween, or even mummy sound effect.

Attribution 3.0
Kitten Meow
Sound of a tiny kitten meowing. This kitten meow can be used for any scene involving a cat or kitten. Maybe even a baby lion cub.

Attribution 3.0
Psychotic Laugh Female
Super psychotic female laugh from a possesed girl or demonic minion. Great for halloween.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Grim Reaper Your Soul
A grim reaper or demon in a calm voice saying your soul is mine. Great evil Halloween or haunted house sound.

Attribution 3.0
Zombie Brain Eater
Just in case youve not had enough zombie brain eating sound effects here are some more! MMMMMmmmm Brains!!

Attribution 3.0
Sword Swing
Another great Sword Swing sound effect. Could also be use for a small sword, war axe, axe, or tomahawk attack.

Attribution 3.0
Really cool bubbles or bubbling sound effect. Great for nature, fish tank, underwater, or scuba diving sounds. This sound was originally from the public domain but i tweaked it lengthened it, and converted it into stereo sound.

Attribution 3.0
Halloween Monster
Awesome Halloween Monster sound effect. Scare the kids that come trick or treating, great for haunted houses, and more.

Attribution 3.0
Really cool bubbles or bubbling sound effect. Great for nature, fish tank, underwater, or scuba diving sounds. This sound was originally from the public domain but i tweaked it lengthened it, and converted it into stereo sound.

Attribution 3.0
Vampire Bite
The sound of a vampire biting a human. This gothic sound requested by anonymous user.

Attribution 3.0
Battle Axe Swing
Battle Axe Swing war or battle sound effect. Great for medieval games and scenes. Could also be use for a small sword or tomahawk attack.

Attribution 3.0
Chopping Wood
Sound of someone chopping wood or chopping wood with an axe. requested by mel francis

Attribution 3.0
Walking In Snow
Walking in Snow sound. Ice crunches under feet. Pretty cool

Attribution 3.0
Ice Cubes Glass
2 ice cubes are dropped into a frosted glass and slide down the side landing in a small ammount of liquid at the bottom. Very refreshing sound.

Attribution 3.0
Electric Typewriter
Person typing away at an electric typewriter. Clicks can be heard while a person types.

Public Domain
Ice Cubes In Cup
Sounds of someone putting ice cubes in a cup was a request HuiShurn Yong. These are public domains sounds so enjoy.

Attribution 3.0
Splitting Wood
Sound of someone splitting wood or chopping wood with an axe. requested by mel francis

Public Domain
Bear And Ber Cubs
The sound of a mother bear with its cubs. Great nature and natural mammal sounds for camping, or outdoor sounds.

Attribution 3.0
Climbing Mt Everest
Climbing Mount Everest or walking in the snow crunching sound.

Public Domain
Bear Growl And Roar 2
Bear growling and roaring to protect its cubs #2

Public Domain
3 Baby Cubs Grunt And Growl
3 baby bear cubs grunting and growling in alaska

Attribution 3.0
Cubed Ice Machine
Ice machine from my Kitchen spitting out cubed ice