Cutting Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Cutting free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Noncommercial 3.0
Owl Hooting
The eight-note hoot of the barred owl is often used as a call to locate gobblers in the early morning or late evening hours. Field recording by National Wild Turkey Federation.

Attribution 3.0
Sawing Wood
Person sawing wood with a handsaw over and over again. Cutting a branch, plank, small tree, or plastic pipe using a handsaw. Great for a game where someone needs to create or errect objects.

Attribution 3.0
Children Laughing
The sound of both of my kids son and daughter cutting up and being silly. Laughter and a few bits of giberish.

Noncommercial 3.0
Turkey Gobble
The gobble is one of the principal vocalizations of the male wild turkey and is used primarily in the spring to let hens know he is in the area. Field recording by National Wild Turkey Federation.

Noncommercial 3.0
Rage Of Blades
Sound of blades flying around with sharp blades that cut everything in their way.

Attribution 3.0
Swords Clashing
Medieval swords clashing with each other. Great roman or gladiator war or fighting sounds.

Attribution 3.0
Great whip crack or cracking sound effect of a cattle bull whip. Quick sound of the whip cutting threw the air followed by a loud crack or whip sound.

Attribution 3.0
decapitation sound effect from a sword,scythe, sickle, or guillotine cutting off a head. This was an anonymous request.

Attribution 3.0
Ninja Samurai Sword
Sound of a ninja swinging a samurai sword and cutting a limb or head off. Sound requested by Ben Carter.

Attribution 3.0
Decapitation Head Blood
Decapitation and head falling off and blood squirting sound effect from a sword,scythe, sickle, or guillotine cutting off a head. This was an anonymous request.

Noncommercial 3.0
Turkey Hen Yelping
The yelp is a basic turkey sound. It is often delivered in a series of single note vocalizations and can have different meanings depending on how the hen uses it. Field recording by National Wild Turkey Federation.

Attribution 3.0
Sword Strike And Clash
Great metal sword strike sound effect for a war or battle scene. Like a ninja or something.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Wood Saw
Sound of a nice wood saw cutting some wood in a carpenters workshop. Wood saw sound effect requested by Mark Mckinnon to emulate someone building a manger for baby Jesus. Hope this helps and Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to you.

Public Domain
sound of a chainsaw cutting wood in a nearby lot. sound is public domain.

Public Domain
Scary Chainsaw
gas powered chainsaw, cutting down tree in neighborhood. chainsaw next door.

Attribution 3.0
Metal Grinder
Metal grinding sound from a medium size grinder. Could be a sound for sharpening a nice, forging a weapon, a factory who knows. My dad was grinding a piece of metal in hi workshop for me. A good sound have at it.

Attribution 3.0
Sound of a ninja swinging a samurai sword and cutting a limb or head off. Sound requested by Ben Carter.

Attribution 3.0
Decapitation Head Fall Off
Decapitation and head falling off sound effect from a sword,scythe, sickle, or guillotine cutting off a head. This was an anonymous request.

Noncommercial 3.0
Turkey Tree Call
The tree call is usually a series of soft muffled yelps given by a roosted bird. Sometimes it picks up in volume as fly down time nears. It may be accompanied by soft clucking and is generally acknowledged as a call to communicate with others in a flock.

Attribution 3.0
Chopping Off Limb
Sound of someone cutting through someones arm. Sound requested by Ben Carter.

Noncommercial 3.0
Turkey Cluck And Purr
The cluck and purr is a single note or notes often associated with flock talk or the feeling of contentment. It is sometimes amplified. It is a cluck followed by a rolling, almost staccato call. Field recording by National Wild Turkey Federation.

Noncommercial 3.0
Turkey Purring
Purring is a soft, rolling call turkeys make when content. It can usually be heard by feeding birds. This is not a loud call, but is good for reassuring turkeys as they get in close to your position. Field recording by National Wild Turkey Federation.

Attribution 3.0
Sound of drilling. Could be driling for oil, drilling at work, mining, or even used for some spooky or halloween sound effect.

Noncommercial 3.0
Turkey Putt
The putt is a single note, generally associated as an alarm. It could be several sharp or rapid notes and usually means they have seen or heard something, and are alerting others of the danger. Field recording by National Wild Turkey Federation.

Public Domain
Chainsaw Quick
sound of a chainsaw quickly cutting wood in a nearby lot. sound is public domain.

Noncommercial 3.0
Turkey Assembly Call
The adult hen assembly call is a series of loud yelps used to assemble her flock or young poults. Field recording by National Wild Turkey Federation.

Attribution 3.0
Electric Saw
electrical saw for cutting wood and other material. This sound is about as good ad it gets for saw sounds.

Public Domain
Electric Table Saw
Construction or woodworking sound of an electric table saw cutting a piece of plywood.

Attribution 3.0
Table Saw Buzz
Sound of a table saw in my fathers garage. This sound is about as good ad it gets for electric saw sounds.

Attribution 3.0
Some guy in my neighborhood was chopping up some trees from a recent storm so i figured i would record it.