Deer Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Deer free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Public Domain
Red Stag Roar
Red Stag bellowing in mating status. Great for use in a hunting app. Could be used to get other stags attention.

Attribution 3.0
Screaming Hawk
Perfect screaming hawk loud sound effect. Screaming hawk deer whistle

Public Domain
The sound of a large elk bugling. This sound is public domain so enjoy.

Attribution 3.0
Killdeer Song
The killdeer is a small bird with rather large eyes and black bands around its neck. They have brown backs and mostly brow heads with white undersides. Killdeers are considered graceful plovers and can be found in most peoples lawns where they hunt for.

Attribution 3.0
Killdeer Bird Call
The sound of a Killdeer. The killdeer is a small North American bird that belongs to the plover genus Charadrius. These funny little birds will act injured in order to lead predators away from their young chicks.

Attr-Noncom 3.0 Unported
A killdeer or Charadrius vociferus bird. Sound was recorded Long Island, March 1999. The killdeer is a medium-sized plover.