Digital Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Digital free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Attribution 3.0
Radio Interruption
Radio Interruption sound effect where a live broadcast is intterupted by the government or other org in order to broadcast an important weather alert, or child abduction.

Attribution 3.0
Analog Watch Alarm
Analaog watch alarm also called a digital watch alarm sounding off. Time is up and whatever the alarm was set for now is the time to do it. Taken from a common wrist watch.

Attribution 3.0
Computer Error
Cool computer error sound effect that you can use to replace you operating system error sound or to note an error.

Attribution 3.0
Beep Ping
Cool beep or ping electronic or radio sound effect. Can be used for computer, or similar sound effects.

Attribution 3.0
Camera Flash
Great camera flash sound effect from the people at SoundBible.com this sound is great for a photo scene.

Attribution 3.0
Computer Sci Fi
Computer processing data a good Sci Fi sound effect. Sound like a large cartoonish or sci fi machine.

Attribution 3.0
Sound of a metronome clicking and keeping time. This is a wood block metranome sound and is pretty standard. If you want to change the speed or pitch of this please be sure to visit the sound editing link on the bottom right of the page after downloading. This sound was requested by Sam.

Attribution 3.0
Take Picture
Sound of a camera taking a photo graph with flash included.

Attribution 3.0
Sci Fi Robot
Sound of a classic sci-fi robot computing data. Youll know what i mean when you hear it. Requested by Bob Jackson

Attribution 3.0
Robot Computing
Sound of a classic sci-fi robot computing data. Youll know what i mean when you hear it. Requested by Bob Jackson

Sampling Plus 1.0
Cave In Sound
Sound of a fast processed cave in. A little digital magic. Great violent fast falling movements by rocks requested by Yair Mossel

Sampling Plus 1.0
Atari ST saying Atari using Speech Synthesizer 520ST V2.0. Custom Atari speech samples on request.

Attribution 3.0
Camera Flashing
Camera flashing sound. Great for a camera flash or paparazzi sound.

Attribution 3.0
Metal Metronome
Sound of a metronome clicking and keeping time. This is a metal ping sounding metronome sound and is pretty standard. If you want to change the speed or pitch of this please be sure to visit the sound editing link on the bottom right of the page after downloading. This sound was requested by Sam.