Hammer Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Hammer free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Public Domain
Sound of a worker or carpenter hammering a nail into a plank of wood. The thump of the hammer can be heard reverberating through the 2x4.

Attribution 3.0
Fire Alarm
Fire alarm sound effect. This is an old school fire alarm, one of the ones that actually strikes the metal bell with a hammer. Great sound effect.

Attribution 3.0
Gun Cocking Fast
A gun being cocked quickly as if shooter in hurrying to shoot someone.

Public Domain
Rhythmic hammering on a nail with a hammer. Thanks to Lisa Redfern for the donation.

Attribution 3.0
Car Accelerating
Car Accelerating sound effect was requested by David. This is good for a racing audio clip.

Attribution 3.0
Gun Cocking Slow
A gun being cocked slowly to ephasize the action.

Attribution 3.0
Wooden Thump
Sound of a large wooden object thumping or bumping something or someone. Great for wooden impact sounds or wooden thuds.

Attribution 3.0
Gun Silencer
The sound of a gun silencer being fired at someone. Great for a special ops or james bond type scenario.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Builders Drilling
Sound of builders drilling a hole or boring a hole in the ground. Could be used for drilling a well, directional drilling, or even a jackhammer.

Public Domain
Gavel Banging
Gavel banging 3 times sound effect, or a judges gavel banging in courtroom was requested by both Willy Akers and Pavithra. Thanks for the sound effect requests.

Public Domain
Judges Gavel
Judges Gavel banging sound effect, or a gavel banging in courtroom was requested by both Willy Akers and Pavithra. Thanks for the sound effect requests.

Public Domain
Musket Fire
The sound of Musket Fire at a civil war reenactment. Great for civil war, or wars in that time period.

Attribution 3.0
Sound of drilling. Could be driling for oil, drilling at work, mining, or even used for some spooky or halloween sound effect.

Attribution 3.0
The sound of a gun silencer being fired 2x at someone. Great for a special ops or james bond type scenario.

Public Domain
Gavel Bangs 4x
Gavel banging sound effect, or a judges gavel banging in courtroom was requested by both Willy Akers and Pavithra. Thanks for the sound effect requests.