Heart Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Heart free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Attribution 3.0
Heart Rate Monitor Flatline
Sound of a heart rate monitor flatline, or death. Sound requested by chris.

Attribution 3.0
Fire Burning
Fire burning and crackling and burning some more for a total of about 16 seconds. Great sound effect for a fire.

Attribution 3.0
Flame Arrow
Sound of a flame or flaming arrow being shot from a bow and arrow. Great for a siege scene.

Attribution 3.0
Spooky Heart Beats
Heart beating with a bunch of reverb, makes this sound real spooky.

Attribution 3.0
House On Fire
Sound of a house or barn on fire. Sound effect perspective is from within the burning building.

Attribution 3.0
Sound of someone crying. This person is morning or sad about something. Poor poor person.

Attribution 3.0
Awesome heartbeat sound effect. Great for a hosptial or human sound effect.

Attribution 3.0
Hearbeat 2
Another great hearbeat sound that can be used for movies or games or whatever else u may want to use it for. This hearbeat is pitched a bit higher so you can hear it on standard pc speakers.

Attribution 3.0
Small Fireball
A small size fireball sound effect. Great for a wizard casting a spell, or a catapult launching a flaming ball over a castle wall.

Attribution 3.0
Human Heartbeat
Human heart beating loud and strong. Could also be used to show someone is worried, afraid, or injured.

Attribution 3.0
Slow HeartBeat
Slow Heart Beat sound effect was requested by Michael for a 3D game he was working on. This sound effect is arund 10 seconds of a beating heart slowed down pretty far.

Attribution 3.0
Heart Beat
Manipulated sound of a sheet of paper. Really Deep sound.

Attribution 3.0
Real Heart Beat
Very real and deep sounding heartbeat sound. Took a beating heart sound and made pitched it down to make it sound more movie like

Attribution 3.0
ECG or Electrocardiography sounds and effect requeste by sumith

Sampling Plus 1.0
Beating Heart
The sound of a beating heart or heartbeat. Large file and great audio quaility.

Attribution 3.0
Large Fireball
A very large fireball sound effect. Great for a wizard casting a spell, or a catapult launching a flaming ball over a castle wall.

Public Domain
Real nice fireplace sounds from a fire burning. Very small crackles and sizzle burn sound effects along with air movement.

Noncommercial 3.0
Brush Fire
Sound of a brush fire burning slowly. You can hear the fire crackling and the grass and wood burning.

Public Domain
Slowed Breathing
Slow breathing almost close to mic. Could potentially be used in one of those scenes in a movie when someone is in shock or cant hear because of a bomb blast or crash or something.

Attribution 3.0
Some sad human is crying and very unhappy about something.

Attribution 3.0
Vampire Bite
The sound of a vampire biting a human. This gothic sound requested by anonymous user.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Teeth Chatter
Teeth chattering or teeth chatter sound effect. Great for someone who is cold, freezing, or similar. Sound requested by Ben Carlsile.

Public Domain
Lighting Match
Sound of a match lighting. Great for fire starting, striking match, or smoking sound effects. Lighting match sound effect requested by Triszzy.

Attribution 3.0
Lawn Mower Fart
A funny sounding fart that sounds like a lawn mower. Beans beans good for your heart.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Party People
Female voice or vocal saying party people how are you feeling. Great for a party or similar.

Attribution 3.0
Baby Heartbeat
A babies hearbeat heard from outside the mother. As heard by a doctor.

Public Domain
Striking Match
Sound of a match lighting. Great for fire starting, striking match, or smoking sound effects. Lighting match sound effect requested by Triszzy.

Attribution 3.0
Great hospital surgery sound effects. Brain, or open heart surgery. Just download and have at it.