Hop Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Hop free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Public Domain
A very heavy slap to the face. Great for a backhand or even fight sound effect. Could also be used to emulate something snapping or breaking.

Public Domain
Traffic Jam 1
A traffic jam with horns honking and cars driving. This is part one of 4, the sound had to be chopped up smaller in order for the page to load and render quickly.

Attribution 3.0
Realistic Punch
Realistic Punch or punching sound effect. Sound by Mark DiAngelo. It took me a while to edit it and get it right. Hope you guys enjoy.

Public Domain
Traffic Jam 3
A traffic jam with horns honking and cars driving. This is part 3 of 4, the sound had to be chopped up smaller in order for the page to load and render quickly.

Attribution 3.0
Helicopter Approach
Helicopter flying from distance and coming towards you the listener.

Attribution 3.0
Great jab boxing and fighting sound effect. High pitch fast jab punch sound

Attribution 3.0
Service Bell Help
Customer ringing service bell in need of help in a store.

Attribution 3.0
Sound effect of someone jumping. Almost sounds like a Mario or Luigi from Mario Brothers jumping sound effect. Great for a game or funny scene.

Attribution 3.0
Store Door Chime
Store door chime sound effect. This sound door ding was requested by danielle johnson at Southeastern Louisiana University but her email address was invalid so we hope its the correct sound. Sound was made using KevanGC Electronic Chime sound.

Attribution 3.0
Upper Cut
Upper cut punch for a boxing or mma sound effect. Great Mike Tyson punch out type sound! Boom!

Public Domain
Shopping Mall Ambiance
Ambiance of a shopping mall or crowded store. Great for shopping or retail sound effects. This sound is in the public domain so its a bonus.

Public Domain
Restaurant Ambiance
Restaurant Ambiance or similar ambiance or walla track for background sounds. Contains persons talking and other sounds, none of the words are discernible.

Attribution 3.0
This is the rare sound of a 7 or 17 year cicada, one of the rarest of the 250 known cicada species. These bugs which i have very fond memories of as a child, can and do stay hidden underground for up to 17 years and then come out again, mate and then bury themselves for another 17 years. Awesome little insects!

Attribution 3.0
Right Cross
Right Cross punch for a boxing or mma sound effect. Great Mike Tyson punch out type sound! Boom!

Attribution 3.0
Mummy Zombie
A super monster. A breed of mummy zombie werewolf. OK. maybe not but its a cool evil monster sound.

Attribution 3.0
Elephant trumpeting sound effect. Great for a zoo, circus, or African savannah scene. This is Tarzans friend.

Attribution 3.0
Trying to record other things but the crickets wont stop chirping so i tweaked the file and now we have some cricket sounds.

Attribution 3.0
Left Hook
Great Left Hook boxing and fighting sound effect. 75% Left channel stereo punch sound. Great for games, and youtube videos.

Attribution 3.0
Chimpanzee or monkey making crazy monkey sounds while hopping around its cage. Great for zoo or laboratory sounds.

Attribution 3.0
Right Hook
Great right hook boxing and fighting sound effect. 75% Right channel stereo punch sound. Great for games, and youtube videos.

Attribution 3.0
Front Desk Bell
Front desk bel that you ring to get service. Also known as a service bell or call bell.

Attribution 3.0
Monster Laugh
The sound of a monster laughing. Great for a zombie, halloween, or even mummy sound effect.

Attribution 3.0
Cool bounce or bouncing sound effect. Made this sound effect by holding a balloon at the bottom and stretching the balloon and then releasing it.

Attribution 3.0
Robot Machine
Industrial robot moves material and then pounds the heck out of it. Great for am industrial or manufacturing setting.

Attribution 3.0
City Centre
Live recording I did myself of city centre in Leeds in the afternoon. Slightly muffled.

Attribution 3.0
Zombie Brain Eater
Just in case youve not had enough zombie brain eating sound effects here are some more! MMMMMmmmm Brains!!

Attribution 3.0
45min April Rainstorm
45 minutes of a relaxing spring rainstorm recorded April 1st 2016. This sort of audio is great to relax to or sleep to on a loop. The wav file is 400mb and the 45 minute mp3 would not render in the player so its been chopped down to 3 minutes. If you want the full 45 minutes download the wave. If you want to listen to the entire 45min on YouTube click here.