Ice Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Ice free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Attribution 3.0
Shot Gun
10 guage shot gun sound.nice clean shotgun blast sound effect for those in need of gun sound effects

Attribution 3.0
Tornado Siren II
This is another tornado siren that was recorded and then moded by SoundBible.com its your typical early warning alert system for tornados sounds like air raid siren. The preview above is just 40 seconds but the zip file is 15 minutes long, and the wav file is 5 minutes (50 MB) .Download the mp3 push play turn up the speakers and walk out of the room and see what happens :)

Attribution 3.0
Glass Breaking
Glass breaking sound effect or breaking sound was requested by divya. Could be a house or car window breaking, even a plate or cup at dinner. Nice little shatter sound effect.

Attribution 3.0
Maniacal Witches Laugh
A very maniacal Witch Laugh great for a halloween soundtrack, for scary movie, or scifi and fantasy fanatics.

Attribution 3.0
Explosion Ultra Bass
An explosion with a little bass to give more juice to your visual experience. Awesome sound, around 14 seconds long.

Attribution 3.0
Minigun starting up blasting hundreds of rounds and then winding back down. Very nice weapon sound effect.

Attribution 3.0
Wind for use in films short films or anything you can think of. A really nice wind blowing, sand or snow storm sound effect. The full version is nearly 2 minutes long and just available in wav format. The MP3 version is a smaller truncated sound clip so that the preview will be loaded faster.

Attribution 3.0
High Pitch Dog Whistle
Super high pitch dog whistle sound effect for 30 seconds. This file is super high pitch and your dog will hate you if you play this for too long. May be a great sound weapon for pest deterrents as well. Can be used to ward of mice, rodents, rats, stray dogs, stray cats, and even keep your street free of unwanted bums, beggars, hobos, etc :) See the 10 minute Dog Whistle Sound video. Very annoying.

Attribution 3.0
Simple loud bass heavy bomb explosion sound effect. Awesome for war, or a battle sequence.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Air Plane Ding
Sound of the captain dinging the persons in the cockpit right before he makes an announcement.

Attribution 3.0
Warning Siren
Great air raid or warning siren simulation sound effect. Sound just like an air raid siren or warning siren.

Attribution 3.0
Electricity sound effect. This sound is shocking, literally. lol. Great for an electric chair or zapping sound.

Public Domain
Auditorium Applause
Nice Auditorium Applause sound recorded live. This applause sound is public domain so you can use it for whatever you want to.

Attribution 3.0
Crisp Ocean Waves
Nice crisp and clean ocean wave sound effect normalized and eqd for a great 1 minute sound clip.

Attribution 3.0
Old Sub Sonar
Old sub sonar in stereo. Great uboat, or wwii submarine sound effect. Sound effect recorded from pd wwii film, then mastered and put into stereo. Thanks to Mark Pancino for the request.

Attribution 3.0
Shake And Roll Dice
Shaking and Rolling Dice 2 on the table during a game

Attribution 3.0
Cat Meowing
Nice and clear meowing cat sound effect. Great for your feline friend sounds. Use it for whatever you like.

Attribution 3.0
Gun Shot
Gun Shot Tuned Loud 2010 525 Kb. Nice crisp loud and clear free gun shot sound effect. Doesnt get much better than this. Thanks Marvin

Public Domain
Scary Demon Haunting
Multiple sfx blended together with a creepy demonic voice over for a Good Scare. Big thanks to Adam Webb from SoundBible.com for the sound donation, this audio is awesome!

Attribution 3.0
Short Circuit
Sound of a device short circuiting. Great for a computer or any number of electronic components. Nice little sound.

Attribution 3.0
9mm Glock 17
The glock 17 9mm pistol being fired 1 time. Great for war or battle scene. Nice big gunshot sound.

Public Domain
Missle Launch
A missile is fired and travels a distance before fading out. Nice for a war or launch sequence.

Attribution 3.0
Bir Poop Splat
The sound of bird poop hitting the pavement. Nice squishy and splat sound.

Attribution 3.0
Trash Truck Reverse Beep
Sound of a Trash Truck Backing Up and beeping. Recorded outside my office during a lunch break.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Police Siren 3
Yet another police siren sound effect. A great recording of a police siren. The sound was requested by Alex. Thanks Alex.

Attribution 3.0
Laser Cannon
Power Up and fire Laser Cannon for sci fi game of video. Nice blaser or laser cannon.

Attr-Noncommercial 3.0
Glass Ping
Recorded using Zoom H4n by hitting a large wine glass with a butter knife. Processed in Reaper.

Attribution 3.0
Hawk Call 2x
Nice clean hawk call or hawk sound effect for bird lovers. Call 2x.

Attribution 3.0
Metal Clang
Nice free metal impact sound effect. Great for a cartoon impact sound effect.

Public Domain
This is a sound of Police siren and it last for around 50 seconds. This is a European cop or policia. Great for emergency or cop scenes for movies based in the EuroZone.