Free Sound Effects

Jumping Sounds

Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Jumping free from Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!

All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.

Attribution 3.0


Sound effect of someone jumping. Almost sounds like a Mario or Luigi from Mario Brothers jumping sound effect. Great for a game or funny scene.

snottyboy snottyboy
 207132     4/5

Personal Use Only

Cartoon Hop

cartoon hop or jump funny sound

 154106     4/5

Attribution 3.0

Mario Jumping

Mario jumping sound or sound effect. Emulated using a wave that sounded a little like a water drop and then digitized and added some bass and roll.

Mike Koenig Mike Koenig
 130088     4/5

Personal Use Only

Boing Cartoonish

Boing a very cartoonish and funny sound could be used for jumping or bouncing or more

 129274     4/5

Public Domain

Bouncy Bounce

A guy saying bouncy bouncy bouncy bounce with a boinging noise in the background.

Bugs Bunny Bugs Bunny
 69114     4/5

Attribution 3.0

Bedspring Squeak

The sound of a bed or bedsprings squeaking. Squeak can be used for any number of sound effect. Especially squeaky ones. :)

Caroline Ford Caroline Ford
 69062     4/5

Personal Use Only

Falling Off

Sound of someone falling and screaming as they fall. Pretty cool sound effect.

 68931     4/5

Personal Use Only

Chain Link Fence Jump

Person jumping chain link fence in police chase on foot

 24887     4/5

Attribution 3.0

Chain Fence Jump

Me jumping over a chain fence in our yard. Great for escape or chase scenes

Mike Koenig Mike Koenig
 17041     4/5