Marine Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Marine free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Attribution 3.0
Missile Alert
Bomb siren or missile alert. Sound issued prior to an incoming bomb or missile.

Attribution 3.0
Heavy Machine Gun Fire
Sound of Heavy Machine Gun Fire. This would be great for a battlefield or war zone sound effect.

Attribution 3.0
Old Sub Sonar
Old sub sonar in stereo. Great uboat, or wwii submarine sound effect. Sound effect recorded from pd wwii film, then mastered and put into stereo. Thanks to Mark Pancino for the request.

Attribution 3.0
Machine Gun Burst 50 Cal
50 caliber machine gun burst. 3 burst of from an automatic 50 cal machine gunner. Great for a battle or war sequence.

Attribution 3.0
Soldiers Marching
Sound of soldiers marching in formation. Great sound effect for war or a battle sequence.

Attribution 3.0
Gun Shot
Gun Shot Tuned Loud 2010 525 Kb. Nice crisp loud and clear free gun shot sound effect. Doesnt get much better than this. Thanks Marvin

Attribution 3.0
Gun War
Like being in a battlefield in the middle of the day. Heavy and light machinegun fire.

Attribution 3.0
9mm Glock 17
The glock 17 9mm pistol being fired 1 time. Great for war or battle scene. Nice big gunshot sound.

Attribution 3.0
10 Guage Shotgun
Stereo recorded 10 Guage Shotgun blast sound effect. Great for a movie, game, or power point presentation. Very clear and clean gun shot.

Attribution 3.0
Automatic Machine Gun 3x
High caliber machine gun automatic fire 3 times. Great for war or battle sequences. Gun has some bass for extra kick sounds.

Attribution 3.0
Depth Charge 2
Depth Charge sound effect. This sound is great for a subsurface explosion in water. Like a depth charge or torpedo impact sound.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Colt Desert Eagle
A colt desert eagle being fired 4 times in an outdoor shooting range.

Attribution 3.0
Sea Waves
Sound of sea waves from the beaches edge. Recorded at the outer banks of North Carolina near Corolla. This was an anonymous request.

Attribution 3.0
Neck Breaking
A great sound for a neck snapping or an arm or leg break. Even ripping off a limb

Attribution 3.0
A great explosion or blast sound for a movie or game sound effect. One large blast of great sound quality.

Attr-Noncommercial 3.0
Sniper Fire Reload
Sound of a sniper rifle firing a shot and then reloading. This is a bolt action rifle.

Sampling Plus 1.0
50 Sniper Shot
A 50 cal sniper rifle gun shot sound perfect for movies, thanks to Liam for this sample.

Attribution 3.0
Modern Battlefield
A blend of war sounds layered to create a realistic sound effect like that found on a modern day battlefield or even one from World War 2

Attribution 3.0
AK47 Assault Rifle
The sound of an AK47 Assault Rifle being fired in burst. Great military weapon sound effects.

Attribution 3.0
P90 Machine Gun Fire
P90 designed by Belgian firearms manufacturer FN Herstal being fired. P90 gunfire was requested by EVAN.

Attribution 3.0
P90 Gun Fire
More P90 gunfire as requested by EVAN. P90 designed by Belgian firearms manufacturer FN Herstal being fired.

Attribution 3.0
Dry Fire Gun
Sound of a glock 17 dry firing, its the sound that a gun makes when you pull the trigger with no ammo in the chamber. High resolution recording of an actual Glock 17 9mm. Very clear gun sound.

Attribution 3.0
Barrel Exploding
An exploding barrel sound effect great for a war or battle scene. Everyone needs an exploding barrel sound now and then right? :)

Attribution 3.0
FogHorn Barge
A large barge blasts his Fog Horn to warn others of his arrival.

Attribution 3.0
Uzi Shooting
Automatic machine gun uzi shooting sound effect. Great for a war or combat scene. Sound can be described as light machine gun fire.

Attribution 3.0
Pump Shotgun
Sound of the Mossburg 500 Pistol grip 20inch (near sawed off) tactical shotgun pumping a round into the chamber. Its that classic pump shotgun sound that says, hey i mean business. Youve all heard this sound before im sure.

Attribution 3.0
Underwater Pool
Sound effect from someone submerged in a pool pond lake ocean or any other body of water for that matter.