Movie Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Movie free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Attribution 3.0
High Definition Machine Gun
Here is a high definition machine gun sound effect. We made it by our self. Use it in your movies if you want to.

Attribution 3.0
Incoming Suspense
When something is coming. Great suspense sound fx.

Attribution 3.0
2 Minute Storm
This is a 2 minute clip from a summer thunder storm just recorded. At 2.31 minutes it doesnt need to be looped for movie and video scenes.

Attribution 3.0
Maniacal Witches Laugh
A very maniacal Witch Laugh great for a halloween soundtrack, for scary movie, or scifi and fantasy fanatics.

Attribution 3.0
Frying Pan Hit
The sound of a frying pan or skillet hitting someone in the head, great for cartoon or movie scene. The sound was requested by Barry Holcomb. Thanks Barry.

Public Domain
Female Scream Horror
Scream sound effect. Woman screaming at the top of her lungs in fear or horror. Great for Halloween or a spooky movie.

Attribution 3.0
Zombie In Pain
Zombie in Pain sound. For zombie death, or impact. Great for a game. Zombie sounds requested by jordangiese.

Attribution 3.0
Horror Movie Ambiance
Super spooky horror movie ambiance. Low bass heavy vibrating pad sound. Give me the willies just listening to it.

Public Domain
City Ambiance
City Ambiance sound effect. Great for a movie or game that is set in an inner city or downtown area. You can clearly hear cop or ambulance sirens in the background.

Attribution 3.0
Sqeaking Door
This is a wooden heavy cupboard door or front door squeaking noise. Good for Halloween or horror movie sound effect. Thanks Sarasprella for sharing your sounds!

Attribution 3.0
10 Guage Shotgun
Stereo recorded 10 Guage Shotgun blast sound effect. Great for a movie, game, or power point presentation. Very clear and clean gun shot.

Attribution 3.0
Zombie Back From Dead
Sound of a zombie coming back from the dead. This and other similar zombie sounds requested by jordangiese.

Attribution 3.0
Eerie Horror Scene
A very dark and eerie horror scene sound that starts off with a orchestral stab. Cool for haunted house or a scary movie or game.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Old Film Projector
Old film projector sound effect on a reel. The sound of an old film projector was requested by Casey Woolley.

Personal Use Only
Evil Laugh Cackle
evil laugh cackle from male great sound for a haunted house or scary movie or game scene.

Public Domain
This sound was used in old horror movies. It it really gives you the shivers.

Public Domain
This is a sound of Police siren and it last for around 50 seconds. This is a European cop or policia. Great for emergency or cop scenes for movies based in the EuroZone.

Attribution 3.0
Tornado Siren
A tornado alert in stereo or air raid siren going off in a town out west, great for war or storms, or similar situations. Even good for a spooky movie.

Attribution 3.0
Magic Wand Noise
Magic noise was requested by Ikki Yeong and can be used for a magician changing form or waving his magic wand. Thanks for the request Ikki.

Attribution 3.0
Spooky Water Drops
Frekin spooky water drops in some abandoned cathedral scary as hell

Attribution 3.0
Movie Freaky Scene
A great freaky movie sound effect or drone made with alot of reverb and some creativity.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Psycho Scream
A super psycho scream that is blood curdling to say the least.

Attribution 3.0
Neck Breaking
A great sound for a neck snapping or an arm or leg break. Even ripping off a limb

Personal Use Only
Movie Start Music
The song that comes up at the start of all those movies and other stuff.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Monster Roar
Sound of a monster roaring, kinda a cool sound for tricker treaters, Halloween, or some film related to horror.

Attr-Noncommercial 3.0
Stupid rebel loud annoying pain screaming, great for torture, horror, or Halloween movies and movie scenes.

Public Domain
Tinkle hi pitch chime obsidian needles. Like a magic wand or metal wind chime. Could also represent a daydream or flashback. Thanks to Lisa Redfern for this awesome sound effect.

Personal Use Only
Chewbacca Wookie Noise
Chewbacca the famous Wookie Noise. Since this is from star wars it is 100% for personal use only.

Attribution 3.0
Dragon Roaring
Dragon roaring a roar great for a dnd or medieval game or movie scene

Noncommercial 3.0
Maniacal Laugh 2
Another good evil and maniacal laugh sound effect for horror movies, and haunted houses.