New Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with New free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Attribution 3.0
News Intro
News show intro or newsroom intro music played before broadcast begins.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Air Plane Ding
Sound of the captain dinging the persons in the cockpit right before he makes an announcement.

Attribution 3.0
Strange Noise
Some wicked crazy strange pulsing panning alien like noise. Looking for a strange noise? Here it is.

Attr-Noncom 3.0 Unported
Brant Geese Foraging
A flock of Brant Geese Foraging in a park recording by Tony Phillips. The Brant Goose Branta bernicla, a goose of the genus Branta, is known in North America as Brant, Brent Goose or Black Brant. The spelling Brant is the original one brent came later on.

Attribution 3.0
Text Message Alert 5
A text message sound or SMS alert to use on your mobile device or tablet to replace your default sound.

Attribution 3.0
9mm Gunshot
New recording tools means better recordings. This is a new 9mm gunshot sound effect recorded up close and personal.

Attribution 3.0
380 Gunshot
Newly recorded 380 gunshot being fired from a ruger lcp. Great gunshot sound effect

Attribution 3.0
TV Off Air
The sound a tv station makes when it goes offline, or goes off the air.

Attribution 3.0
Baby Music Box
Baby music box or a musical box being wound or cranked and then released to play a comforting baby lullaby.

Attribution 3.0
Text Message Alert 1
A text message sound or SMS alert to use on your mobile device or tablet to replace your default sound.

Attribution 3.0
Text Message Alert 4
A text message sound or SMS alert to use on your mobile device or tablet to replace your default sound.

Attribution 3.0
Text Message Alert 3
A text message sound or SMS alert to use on your mobile device or tablet to replace your default sound.

Attribution 3.0
Great typing or typewritter sounds for a news or office scene in a movie, game, or powerpoint presentation.

Attribution 3.0
House Fire Alarm
House Fire alarm sound effect. New fire alarm or smoke alarm beeping sound effect. Sound of a fire alarm from a house. Run, there is a fire!

Attribution 3.0
Typewriter And Bell
Great typing or typewriter and bell ding sounds for a news or office scene in a movie, game, or powerpoint presentation.

Attribution 3.0
Airplane Fly Over
Air Plane Sound Effect from a small passenger plane flying over head. My house is located a few mile from an amateur air port for small general aviation personal aircraft. Just a few small hangers is all that is there but they fly by often .

Attribution 3.0
Text Message Alert 2
A text message sound or SMS alert to use on your mobile device or tablet to replace your default sound.

Attribution 3.0
News Report Opening
A news report opening sound great for a news station or news intro. Just throw a voice over it and you are good. This sound was a request from Brandon. If you use this please be sure to site the artist and SoundBible.com

Attribution 3.0
Best Helicopter Pass
This is the best helicopter sound effect i've recorded yet by far. A helicopter was scheduled to come by so i was ready to record accordingly. The .wav and .mp3 are the shorter version. The .zip file has 1.27 minutes of the helicopter coming in and passing.

Attribution 3.0
Weather Alert
National Weather Alert plays this sound before giving an announcement. I generated a similar tone.

Attribution 3.0
Baby Just Born
A just born or newborn baby cries for hs first time. Newborn crying..

Personal Use Only
Citty Traffic Ambiance
Sound of city traffic or ambiance with cars driving by and a honk

Public Domain
Pouring Hot Tea
Very, very refreshing and delicious sound effect. Sound of hot water being poured for a cup of tea, coffee, or hot chocolate. Its tea time.

Attribution 3.0
Newspaper Ticker
Sound of a newspaper ticker. Used when a spinning newspaper is shown. Was requested by Alissa Sallee. Thanks Alissa

Public Domain
Riding NYC Subway Car
Riding on NYC Subway Car going over bumps great city ambience

Attr-Noncom 3.0 Unported
Barred Owl
Sound of a Barred Owl in the forest of mohonk preserve. Great nature sound clip with some other birds in the distance as well. Field recording by Tony Phillips. Recorded at 9am in the morning New Paltz, June 1997 Tony says We stared at each other for about ten minutes. Every so often he would hoot. Each hoot was accompanied by a white flash from his collar as his throat pouch swelled and presumably showed the lighter, lower parts of the feathers.

Attr-Noncom 3.0 Unported
Brant Goose
A brant goose recording by Tony Phillips. The Brant Goose Branta bernicla, a goose of the genus Branta, is known in North America as Brant, Brent Goose or Black Brant. The spelling Brant is the original one brent came later on.

Attribution 3.0
Electric Toothbrush
Me and my little girl brushing her teeth with her new princess electric toothbrush.