Old School Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Old School free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Attribution 3.0
Shotgun Reload Old
This is an awesome and excellent quality reloaded of an old school shotgun

Attribution 3.0
Shotgun Old School
An awesome and excellent quality sound of action-pump shot fire of an old school shotgun

Attribution 3.0
Fire Alarm
Fire alarm sound effect. This is an old school fire alarm, one of the ones that actually strikes the metal bell with a hammer. Great sound effect.

Attribution 3.0
Old School Bell
Old fashion old school bell ringing on top of an old school house. Ding dong ding dong.

Attribution 3.0
Cartoon Phone Ring
Old school phone ringing used in cartoons and animations regularly.

Attr-Noncom 3.0 Unported
A Pterodactyl or Prehistoric Dinosaur sound effect. Sound made by tweaking hawk calls from Tony Phillips.

Attribution 3.0
Unscrew Bulb
Sound of an old school lightbulb being removed. Recording so clear you can hear the fillament shaking.

Attribution 3.0
Change Light Bulb
Sound of an old school lightbulb being changed. Recording so clear you can hear the fillament shaking.