Playful Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Playful free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Attribution 3.0
Funny Voices
Silly and funny voices processed using Sound Forge and a pro mic setup. Very goofy vocal effects.

Public Domain
Music Box
A music box playing a delightful tune. Quick tune could be used for a notification sound on pc or cell phone, or whatever else you can dream up.

Attribution 3.0
Children Laughing
The sound of both of my kids son and daughter cutting up and being silly. Laughter and a few bits of giberish.

Attribution 3.0
Funny Girl Laugh
My daughter Norah laughing and being cute she is 4 in this audio recording.

Attribution 3.0
Funny Boy Laugh
My son Noah again doing a few funny laughs. Hes a nut but a good kid. He sounds like he is pretending to be a baby. He does that because we think it is cute I imagine.

Attribution 3.0
Baby Boy Laugh
My son Noah when he was 3 laughing 4 times in succession he is very funny. I say when he was three but at the time of this upload he is 3 so this is just for future references.

Attribution 3.0
High Pitch Girl Laugh
My little girl doing her high pitch daughter laugh. Its pretty cute.

Public Domain
Bear Growl And Roar 2
Bear growling and roaring to protect its cubs #2