Quick Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Quick free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Public Domain
Traffic Jam 1
A traffic jam with horns honking and cars driving. This is part one of 4, the sound had to be chopped up smaller in order for the page to load and render quickly.

Public Domain
Traffic Jam 3
A traffic jam with horns honking and cars driving. This is part 3 of 4, the sound had to be chopped up smaller in order for the page to load and render quickly.

Attribution 3.0
Quick Fart
A very quick fart or farting sound. This one is quick, must have let it slip.

Attribution 3.0
Gun Cocking Fast
A gun being cocked quickly as if shooter in hurrying to shoot someone.

Public Domain
Music Box
A music box playing a delightful tune. Quick tune could be used for a notification sound on pc or cell phone, or whatever else you can dream up.

Attribution 3.0
Car Accelerating
Car Accelerating sound effect was requested by David. This is good for a racing audio clip.

Attribution 3.0
Great whip crack or cracking sound effect of a cattle bull whip. Quick sound of the whip cutting threw the air followed by a loud crack or whip sound.

Attribution 3.0
Sound of a butterfly flapping its wings quickly. This nature, animal, and insect sound requested by pakshep girdhar. Thanks for the request.

Attribution 3.0
Twitch or twitching sound effect for a person. Agitation sound effect of a person. Semi quick impulsive annoying sound. Twitch sound requested by abdhulla. Thank abdhulla!

Attr-Noncommercial 3.0
Fast Heel Walk
Someone walking quickly in high heels. Thanks to Kyanna for the sound effect.

Personal Use Only
Fall And Splat
quick fall and then a splat sound sounds kind of cartoonish

Attribution 3.0
Formula 1 Racing
Field recording at a Formula 1 race track. At the FIA Formula One World Championship. These are some of the fastest cars in the world.

Personal Use Only
Short Egg Cracking
Quick cracking egg sound almost sounds like a rip. Great sound effect for bone breaks, or ripping a persons spine out.

Attribution 3.0
Motorcycle Pass By
A Motorcycle Pass By sound effect from SoundBible.com

Attribution 3.0
Fast Bike Or Motorcycle
Great fast bike or motorcycle sound effect. This was one of those kawasaki motorcycles not a Hog or Goldwing.

Attribution 3.0
Short Dial Tone
Short and quick dial tone from phone. We already have one dial tone sound on here this one is just shorter and possibly more suitable for a phone sound effect. Requested by Philip

Public Domain
Pouring Hot Tea
Very, very refreshing and delicious sound effect. Sound of hot water being poured for a cup of tea, coffee, or hot chocolate. Its tea time.

Attribution 3.0
Sharp Fart
A very sharp and quick fart. Watch out this one might put your eye out. Anther great fart sound effect.

Attribution 3.0
Shoot Arrow
Quick and short sound of an arrow being fired from a bow or crossbow bolt being fired from a crossbow.

Public Domain
Chainsaw Quick
sound of a chainsaw quickly cutting wood in a nearby lot. sound is public domain.

Attribution 3.0
Quick An Small Fart
A very quick and non obtrusive fart sound a quickie

Attribution 3.0
Kids Laughing
2 Kids Laughing a quick but cute sound effect for those needing a canned laughter sound.

Attribution 3.0
Car Stalling
Sound of a quick car or boat engine stalling out. Great for mobile gas powered engine stall sound effects.

Attribution 3.0
Waxing Eyebrows
Sound of someone getting their eyebrows or chest waxed. Nice quick rip sound.

Attribution 3.0
Shush Short
short and quick shoosh or shush sound effect. someone asking for silence.

Attribution 3.0
Large Metal Clippers 1x
The sound of large metal clippers or shears snipping 1x. Great for a quick cutting sound.

Attribution 3.0
Large Metal Clippers 3x
The sound of large metal clippers or shears snipping 3x. Great for a quick cutting sound.