Ring Up Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Ring Up free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Attribution 3.0
Phone Ringing 8x
A telephone ringing 8 times from the perspective of the caller or person who just dialed the number

Attribution 3.0
Dial Tone
Dial tone from USA sound loud and clear! This phone sound was recorded it from my office speaker phone.

Attribution 3.0
Ringing Phone
A telephone ringing just 1 time from the perspective of the caller or person who just dialed the numbe

Attribution 3.0
Busy Signal
Sound of a busy signal repeating 7 or 8 times. Recorded it from my office speaker phone.

Noncommercial 3.0
Power Up Ray
Sound of a gamer or game character powering up. Could also be an alien ray gun. Nice laser or power upgrade sound effect.

Attribution 3.0
Ice Skating
Sound of someone Ice skating on ice at a skating rink. Person is tearing up some ice with their metal skate blades. Could be used for ice hockey or simply chopped up and used as a scraping sound.

Attribution 3.0
Laser Gun
Laser gun or death ray powering up and firing a blast. Nice sci-fi sound effect.

Public Domain
Having A Shower
Nicely recorded shower that is in the public domain so thats a bonus. Sounds great for any bathroom sound request.

Attribution 3.0
Phone Off Hook
Phone off hook, or phone dead sound. Great for murder scene, or spooky movie scene, or anything similar where things have run amuck.

Attribution 3.0
Short Dial Tone
Short and quick dial tone from phone. We already have one dial tone sound on here this one is just shorter and possibly more suitable for a phone sound effect. Requested by Philip

Attribution 3.0
Wake Up Call
Pleasant woman saying good morning this is your wake up call. This was requested by Scott.

Public Domain
Can You Hear Me Now
Young lady asking can you hear me now. Great for phone conversation, or scene. You can additionally filter the sound and make it sound like the sound is coming from a telephone.

Attribution 3.0
Rain Ending
Semi heavy rain ending or rain clearing up sound effect. Great for for scene changes. Sound requested by tami.