Ruffle Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Ruffle free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Attribution 3.0
Bass heavy earthquake sound effects from nature. Sound of an earthquake outside. Low rumbling and such.

Attribution 3.0
Birds After Rain
After the rain passed there were some nice little birds that came out of hiding and began to make music. The WAV version and the ZIP File version include the full 1+ minute of audio but the MP3 download link is smaller, as we use this to play a preview and it is to large to auto-load on a page without delay. So basically..download the .ZIP or .WAV for the full sound. :P

Attribution 3.0
Throat Clearing
The sound of me clearing my throat. Im bored or annoyed or something. Trying to get attention.

Public Domain
Sound of a small hummingbird recorded by the NPS. Public domain sound so have fun with it.

Public Domain
Hermit Thrush
Bird song of the Hermit Thrush. The Hermit Thrush is the state bird of Virginia, and has often been attributed to poetry.

Attribution 3.0
Plastic Wrinkling
Sound of plastic as it wrinkels and crinkles against itself. Very crisp and clear sound, by request.