Small Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Small free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Attribution 3.0
Wind for use in films short films or anything you can think of. A really nice wind blowing, sand or snow storm sound effect. The full version is nearly 2 minutes long and just available in wav format. The MP3 version is a smaller truncated sound clip so that the preview will be loaded faster.

Attribution 3.0
Scary And Eerie
Robotic like sound created in Adobe Soundbooth. Very scary great for halloween or horror flick. The MP3 version is the smaller so it can load on the page for preview. The WAV version is the full version and is 1 minute of quality audio.

Attribution 3.0
Temple Bell
Great sound of a temple bell. This is the smallest of 3 recorded. This sound was requested by dj sachin.

Attribution 3.0
Small Crowd Applause
A small crowd in a theater applauding for a few seconds.

Attribution 3.0
Wont Start Fart
This fart sounds like an engine dying or a car unable to start. It could also be a fart that is giving up, throwing in the towel... er toilet paper.

Public Domain
Traffic Jam 1
A traffic jam with horns honking and cars driving. This is part one of 4, the sound had to be chopped up smaller in order for the page to load and render quickly.

Attr-Noncom 3.0 Unported
Western Sandpiper
The western sandpiper a small shorebird. This bird can be difficult to distinguish from other similar tiny shorebirds, especially the Semipalmated Sandpiper. Caladris mauri was recorded by Tony Phillips in Long Island, April 2004.

Public Domain
Traffic Jam 3
A traffic jam with horns honking and cars driving. This is part 3 of 4, the sound had to be chopped up smaller in order for the page to load and render quickly.

Attr-Noncommercial 3.0
Alpaca Mating Call
Sound of an Alpaca Mating Call. Alpaca Vicugna pacos is a domesticated species of South American camelid. It resembles a small llama in appearance.

Attribution 3.0
Rockslide Small
Small rock-slide effect made by crumpling paper. Thanks to Sound Explorer for another great sound.

Public Domain
Running water sound. Sound of tap water or a small stream or babbling brook. Thanks to Lisa Redfern for another high quality sound effect.

Attribution 3.0
Small Herd Cattle
3 or 4 cows a mooing. These heifers are from a farm down in Arizona. They are beef cattle. Great sound effect for a small herd of cattle.

Attribution 3.0
Rooster Crowing
A rooster crowing early and gives a wakeup call at a small farm in the foothills of North Carolina. Great alarm or animal sound. Cock a doodle do!

Attribution 3.0
Sawing Wood
Person sawing wood with a handsaw over and over again. Cutting a branch, plank, small tree, or plastic pipe using a handsaw. Great for a game where someone needs to create or errect objects.

Attr-Noncommercial 3.0
Tibetan Zymbel
Sound of an original Tibetan Zymbel Zimbel Tingsha used for Sound Massage. Wav version is 3 or 4 times longer. MP3 smaller for preview.

Attribution 3.0
1 Person Cheering
This is a small sound of only 1 person shouting YAY Good for accomplishments or major goals for 1 person.

Personal Use Only
Puppy Dog Barking
A small puppy dog that is very yappy and barks several times

Attribution 3.0
Light Bulb Breaking
Light bulb breaking sound attained by breaking small champagne glass on cement floor

Attribution 3.0
Small Fireball
A small size fireball sound effect. Great for a wizard casting a spell, or a catapult launching a flaming ball over a castle wall.

Attribution 3.0
Walking On Gravel
The sound of someone walking on gravel, or a small loose rock bed. Could be used for hiking or similar.

Public Domain
Sunday Church Ambiance
Sunday Church Ambiance sound effect field recording. This is a great collage of church bells ringing, and small birds chirping ever so lightly. Great sound, and it public domain as well.

Attribution 3.0
Fire Crackers
Short burst of firecrackers in my parents back yard. They small pack of black cats to be precise.

Attribution 3.0
Frog Croaking
Small group of frogs maybe 3 or 4 croaking in rapid succession. Great little swampy pond sound effect. Requested by Lorrie Watkins.

Attribution 3.0
Japanese Temple Bell Small
Japanese Temple Bell Small great for Japanese, Korean, Chinese, or other Asian sound effects.. even for Kung Fu

Attribution 3.0
Tree Fall Small
Small tree falling in woods and leaves and branches moving about

Attribution 3.0
Great rain or raining sound effect. Medium size rainstorm sound effect, with small rumbling thunder in distance.

Attribution 3.0
Small Crowd
Small crowd of parents and kids in a gymnasium at an elementary school basketball game.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Rowing A Boat
A great row boat sound effect. Thanks to Nina west for requesting the sound of a small rowing boat on a calm lake.