Sting Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Sting free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Attribution 3.0
Minigun starting up blasting hundreds of rounds and then winding back down. Very nice weapon sound effect.

Attribution 3.0
Zombie In Pain
Zombie in Pain sound. For zombie death, or impact. Great for a game. Zombie sounds requested by jordangiese.

Attribution 3.0
Zombie Back From Dead
Sound of a zombie coming back from the dead. This and other similar zombie sounds requested by jordangiese.

Attr-Noncom 3.0 Unported
Western Sandpiper
The western sandpiper a small shorebird. This bird can be difficult to distinguish from other similar tiny shorebirds, especially the Semipalmated Sandpiper. Caladris mauri was recorded by Tony Phillips in Long Island, April 2004.

Attribution 3.0
Winning Triumphal Fanfare
A brief victorious trumpet fanfare suitable for winning a game. Big thanks to John Stracke for posting this awesome sound!

Attribution 3.0
Small Fireball
A small size fireball sound effect. Great for a wizard casting a spell, or a catapult launching a flaming ball over a castle wall.

Personal Use Only
Joke Sting
Drum after joke or punchline sound effect. also called a rimshot or joke sting. Requested by Hayden Flores. Thanks Hayden

Attribution 3.0
Zombie Horde
Sound of a large zombie horde consisting of nearly a hundred of the undead lumbering around in a very unorganized fashion.

Attribution 3.0
Balloon Popping
Sound of a balloon popping at a party or a dart game at the fair. Sound requested by Cheryl Crossingham.

Noncommercial 3.0
Murder At Quarry
A man putting the magazine into the gun releasing the slide opening a large metal door then firing 1 suppressed gun shot the man yells then the man finishes him off with 1 more. This all takes place in a Quarry.

Attribution 3.0
Stretching Growing
Sound of something stretching or growing. Nice growing sound effect. Great for power up, level up, and similar.

Attribution 3.0
Industrial Alarm
Alarm testing sound at local industrial park

Sampling Plus 1.0
Rowing A Boat
A great row boat sound effect. Thanks to Nina west for requesting the sound of a small rowing boat on a calm lake.

Attribution 3.0
Birds After Rain
After the rain passed there were some nice little birds that came out of hiding and began to make music. The WAV version and the ZIP File version include the full 1+ minute of audio but the MP3 download link is smaller, as we use this to play a preview and it is to large to auto-load on a page without delay. So basically..download the .ZIP or .WAV for the full sound. :P

Personal Use Only
Explosion 2
Explosion or exploding sound number 2 effect for destruction or war scene

Attribution 3.0
Large Fireball
A very large fireball sound effect. Great for a wizard casting a spell, or a catapult launching a flaming ball over a castle wall.

Public Domain
The sound of a cannon blasting. Great for pirate or cival war battle scenes.

Attribution 3.0
Zombie Moan
Zombie moaning sound effect. Zombie sounds requested by jordangiese.

Attribution 3.0
Car Explosion
Car Explosion or Car Bomb Sound Effect with glass and metal pieces hitting the cement

Public Domain
Real nice fireplace sounds from a fire burning. Very small crackles and sizzle burn sound effects along with air movement.

Attribution 3.0
Time Warp
This time warp sound was requested by Paul Kim. We modified an already existing time sound.

Attribution 3.0
The sound of a monster bite or biting someone. Great for those zombie games, or some cool sci fi monster scene. Grrrr!

Attribution 3.0
Perfect fire sound effect. Sounds of fire burning in a pit, fire barrel, house on fire, campfire, grilling food. No matter what the need this sound is great. Download in wav or mo3 format now.

Attribution 3.0
Elephant Trumpeting
Great Elephant trumpeting or blasting sound effect. Great for a zoo, circus, or African savannah scene. This is Tarzans friend.

Attribution 3.0
Bomb Explosion 1
Good bomb explosion sound with pulsing sound waves of energy

Attribution 3.0
Zombie Attack Walk
Zombie Attack Walking sound. Hes going to want to eat some human flesh soon. Zombie sounds requested by jordangiese.

Attribution 3.0
Simple drill in a workshop. It was a craftsman drill i recorded. Great for whatever.

Attribution 3.0
Zombie Long Death
Zombie long death is a sound of a zombie dying. Well redying technically since he was already dead once. Zombie sounds requested by jordangiese.

Attribution 3.0
Zombie On The Loose
Sound of a Zombie on the Loose! Zombie sounds requested by jordangiese.

Attribution 3.0
Zombie Demon Spawn
A zombie and a demon had a spawn this is what it sounds like. Hes going to want to eat some human flesh soon. Zombie sounds requested by jordangiese.