Tiny Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Tiny free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Attribution 3.0
High Pitch Dog Whistle
Super high pitch dog whistle sound effect for 30 seconds. This file is super high pitch and your dog will hate you if you play this for too long. May be a great sound weapon for pest deterrents as well. Can be used to ward of mice, rodents, rats, stray dogs, stray cats, and even keep your street free of unwanted bums, beggars, hobos, etc :) See the 10 minute Dog Whistle Sound video. Very annoying.

Attr-Noncom 3.0 Unported
Western Sandpiper
The western sandpiper a small shorebird. This bird can be difficult to distinguish from other similar tiny shorebirds, especially the Semipalmated Sandpiper. Caladris mauri was recorded by Tony Phillips in Long Island, April 2004.

Attribution 3.0
Kitten Meow
Sound of a tiny kitten meowing. This kitten meow can be used for any scene involving a cat or kitten. Maybe even a baby lion cub.

Attribution 3.0
Small Dog Barking
A small dog barking. Maybe a maltese or havanese, or some other small breed of dog. We love to troll our dog with this sound. Turn if up and watch your dog go crazy.

Attribution 3.0
Mosquito Buzzing
Mosquito buzzing or flying around our campsite. tiny bug sound created by flapping its wings

Attribution 3.0
Sound of a butterfly flapping its wings quickly. This nature, animal, and insect sound requested by pakshep girdhar. Thanks for the request.

Attribution 3.0
Tiny Button Push
Pushing a tiny button sound. My fingers looked huge...that button was so small.

Attribution 3.0
I Love You Daddy
My son saying i love you daddy. Really cute bit of sound for me to look back on in the future.

Attribution 3.0
Tiny Frog
Small little tree frog like croaking sound effect. Almost sound like a water drop. Requested by Lorrie Watkins.

Attribution 3.0
That Mine
My son saying that mine. Really cute bit of sound for me to look back on in the future.

Attribution 3.0
Hold Me Daddy
My son saying hold me daddy. Really cute bit of sound for me to look back on in the future.

Attribution 3.0
That Mommies
My son saying that mommies. Really cute bit of sound for me to look back on in the future.

Attribution 3.0
Baby Giberish 2
I dont know what hes saying do you? Excited about something for sure. Audio clip of my son.