Tone Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Tone free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Attribution 3.0
Frying Pan Hit
The sound of a frying pan or skillet hitting someone in the head, great for cartoon or movie scene. The sound was requested by Barry Holcomb. Thanks Barry.

Attribution 3.0
Strange Noise
Some wicked crazy strange pulsing panning alien like noise. Looking for a strange noise? Here it is.

Attribution 3.0
Horror Movie Ambiance
Super spooky horror movie ambiance. Low bass heavy vibrating pad sound. Give me the willies just listening to it.

Public Domain
Fire Pager
This is the tone of my fire department pager when we get a fire call

Attribution 3.0
Heart Rate Monitor Flatline
Sound of a heart rate monitor flatline, or death. Sound requested by chris.

Attribution 3.0
Bunker Buster Missile
The synthesized sound of a bunker buster missle incoming and blowing up the compound that you are in with debris like stones and bricks caving in around you. Enjoy this sound took about an hour to get right.

Attribution 3.0
Phone Ringing
Sound of a phone ringing, or telephone ringing off the hook sound.

Attribution 3.0
Censor Beep
Have some words you need to censor? Use this censor beeping sound to cover up that fowl language! Requested by Belle. Thanks Belle!

Attribution 3.0
Dial Tone
Dial tone from USA sound loud and clear! This phone sound was recorded it from my office speaker phone.

Public Domain
A Tone
A single note to replace your default windows beep. Nice calm and enchanting.

Noncommercial 3.0
Phone Ringing
Sound of a phone ringing. Great for a phone call sound effects.

Attribution 3.0
Telephone Ring
Telephone ringing sound effect. Simple phone sound effect.

Public Domain
Music Box
A music box playing a delightful tune. Quick tune could be used for a notification sound on pc or cell phone, or whatever else you can dream up.

Attribution 3.0
TV Off Air
The sound a tv station makes when it goes offline, or goes off the air.

Attribution 3.0
Nice generic bleep or beep #2 extracted from smoke alarm sound effect and then modded a little.

Attribution 3.0
Nice generic beep extracted from smoke alarm sound effect and then modded a little.

Attribution 3.0
Walking On Gravel
The sound of someone walking on gravel, or a small loose rock bed. Could be used for hiking or similar.

Attribution 3.0
Smoke Alarm
I recorded a smoke alarm at the house we have serveral this is just from a generic smoke alarm used in a house. Could be used for fire settings as well. Sound wass requested by Kaye Barrett. Thanks Kaye

Public Domain
Morse Code
Great public domain morse code sound effect for your downloading pleasure! Plus this sound is public domain. I turned this into stereo and optimized it.

Public Domain
Annoying Alien Buzzer
Its a very annoying high-pitched wobbly siren noise. It might give you a splitting headache if you listed to it to long. lol.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Two Tone Doorbell
Two Tone Doorbell sound effect as requests by tamale, thanks for the sound request.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Bomb falling explosion and debris falling around effect. Great for war or battle game.

Attribution 3.0
Plectron Tones
Sequence of fire alarm paging tones. great for alarm sound effects.

Public Domain
Mosquito Ringtone
A mosquito ringtone 11kHz. Nice to put on your phones or computers and piss people off with. They wont know where the hell its coming from. Very high pitch ringing sound, sounds just like that ringing you get in your ear sometimes. Nice for pranks.

Attribution 3.0
Weather Alert
National Weather Alert plays this sound before giving an announcement. I generated a similar tone.

Attribution 3.0
Beep Ping
Cool beep or ping electronic or radio sound effect. Can be used for computer, or similar sound effects.

Public Domain
Phone Dialing With Dialtone
I used audacity with an internal mic to record this. Its good quality though. i just dialed some numbers on my house phone with the dialtone at the beginning. Its very clear there might be some background noise though.

Attribution 3.0
Perfect fire sound effect. Sounds of fire burning in a pit, fire barrel, house on fire, campfire, grilling food. No matter what the need this sound is great. Download in wav or mo3 format now.