Whack Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Whack free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Attribution 3.0
Frying Pan Hit
The sound of a frying pan or skillet hitting someone in the head, great for cartoon or movie scene. The sound was requested by Barry Holcomb. Thanks Barry.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Knocking On Door
Sound of someone knocking on a door. Knock on door sound effect was requested by Annah. Thanks Annah for the request. 3 knocks followed by 2 more knocks.

Public Domain
A very heavy slap to the face. Great for a backhand or even fight sound effect. Could also be used to emulate something snapping or breaking.

Attr-Noncommercial 3.0
Smash or smashing sound effect. Almost sounds like a pumpkin or something like that splattering all over the pavement.

Attribution 3.0
Balloon Popping
Sound of a balloon popping at a party or a dart game at the fair. Sound requested by Cheryl Crossingham.

Attribution 3.0
Sword Swing
Another great Sword Swing sound effect. Could also be use for a small sword, war axe, axe, or tomahawk attack.

Attribution 3.0
Wooden Thump
Sound of a large wooden object thumping or bumping something or someone. Great for wooden impact sounds or wooden thuds.

Attribution 3.0
Battle Axe Swing
Battle Axe Swing war or battle sound effect. Great for medieval games and scenes. Could also be use for a small sword or tomahawk attack.

Attribution 3.0
Frying Pan Impact
The sound of a frying pan impact or skillet hitting someone in the head, great for cartoon or movie scene. The sound was requested by Barry Holcomb. Thanks Barry this 2nd sound was pitched down and made even longer in case you didnt like the first one.

Attribution 3.0
Chopping Wood
Sound of someone chopping wood or chopping wood with an axe. requested by mel francis

Attribution 3.0
Wood Whack
The sound of wood colliding or whacking something. Great for impact or crash type sounds.

Attribution 3.0
The sound of someone patting or tapping something or someone just 1x.

Attribution 3.0
Splitting Wood
Sound of someone splitting wood or chopping wood with an axe. requested by mel francis

Attribution 3.0
Banging Radiator
The sound of someone banging or clanking a metal radiator. Several metal pings.