Free Sound Effects
SoundBible.com has thousands of free sound effects for everyone. Browse our extensive sound library and pick and choose the sounds you want. Bookmark this page (Ctrl+D).
Public Domain
Shopping Mall Ambiance
Ambiance of a shopping mall or crowded store. Great for shopping or retail sound effects. This sound is in the public domain so its a bonus.

Public Domain
Sunday Church Ambiance
Sunday Church Ambiance sound effect field recording. This is a great collage of church bells ringing, and small birds chirping ever so lightly. Great sound, and it public domain as well.

Public Domain
Nature Ambiance
Cool Nature Ambiance sound effect. Great for outdoor scenes in movies and video games. Enjoy this sound is in the public domain.

Attribution 3.0
10 Guage Shotgun
Stereo recorded 10 Guage Shotgun blast sound effect. Great for a movie, game, or power point presentation. Very clear and clean gun shot.

Public Domain
Cuckoo Clock
An awesome Cuckoo Clock Sound effect for some crazy lunatic out there. Sound taken from a public domain movie, so the sound remains public domain. I reworked it.

Public Domain
Auditorium Applause
Nice Auditorium Applause sound recorded live. This applause sound is public domain so you can use it for whatever you want to.

Attribution 3.0
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas from St Nick. Great Christmas sound for the kids around the holidays.

Attribution 3.0
Tick Tock
Tick tock sound effect from a clock or large watch. Great for suspenseful scenes, or even a time bomb. Sound requested by Furvillishus.

Attribution 3.0
Jolly Laugh
Jolly Laugh. St Nick giving a great jolly laugh from his stomache. Great Christmas sound for the kids around the holidays.