Free Sound Effects
SoundBible.com has thousands of free sound effects for everyone. Browse our extensive sound library and pick and choose the sounds you want. Bookmark this page (Ctrl+D).
Public Domain
Gavel Bangs 4x
Gavel banging sound effect, or a judges gavel banging in courtroom was requested by both Willy Akers and Pavithra. Thanks for the sound effect requests.

Attribution 3.0
Button Press 5
Mechanical sound that could suit a button press for instance

Personal Use Only
Movie Start Music
The song that comes up at the start of all those movies and other stuff.

Attribution 3.0
Strange Mechanical Sound
Strange mechanical sound could suit a weird machine

Attribution 3.0
Record Player Static
Nice and clean record player static sound fx that can be used for whatever you want to use it for. Very staticy record player sound.

Attribution 3.0
Heart Beat
Manipulated sound of a sheet of paper. Really Deep sound.

Attribution 3.0
Button Press
Mechanical sound that could suit a button press for instance