Free Sound Effects has thousands of free sound effects for everyone. Browse our extensive sound library and pick and choose the sounds you want. Bookmark this page (Ctrl+D).
Attribution 3.0
Fax Machine
The sound of someone dialing a number on a fax machine and the delay before the actual message sends. It is neither a confirmed nor bad send.
Attribution 3.0
Quick Fart
A very quick fart or farting sound. This one is quick, must have let it slip.
Attribution 3.0
Ahhh Pleasantly Surprised
ahhh Sound Pleasantly Surprised sound effect from a human.
Attribution 3.0
Moaning Moan
Moan or moaning sound effect from a human. Great for a stressed out person.
Attribution 3.0
Blood Squirting
A great decapitation sound effect for gory movie scene or video game! Great for halloween too!
Attribution 3.0
Car Door Close
The sound of a our car door closing. Very crisp and clear sound. Nice automotive sound effect, could be used for any shutting or closing sound.
Attribution 3.0
Could be a Suction cup or just some random suction sound effect.
Attribution 3.0
The sound of someone gagging, or chocking. Great choke sound effect.
Attribution 3.0
Intruder Alert
Cool intrusion alarm detection sound effect. Sound like a sound you would hear on some space movie like 2001 space odyssey or one of those alien movies from the 90s with Sigourney Weaver in it.