Free Sound Effects has thousands of free sound effects for everyone. Browse our extensive sound library and pick and choose the sounds you want. Bookmark this page (Ctrl+D).
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Crowd Boo And Heckles
Thousands of people screaming with some people booing, and heckling the players.
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Sound a catapult throwing a fireball or siege bomb at a target. Great whoosh and spring sound. Great for a battle or war sound.
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Ole Bullfighter
ole sound from a bullfighter at an arena in mexico
Attribution 3.0
Uh Oh Fart
This fart was a mistake. Sounds like the fart is saying uh oh. Still gross... just a little bit funnier than normal farts.
Attribution 3.0
Boat Docking
Ocracoke Island Ferry docking holding around 20 to 30 automobiles. Great mechanical sounds and a few chains jingling.
Attribution 3.0
Hock Loogie
person hocking a loogie. This is the sound a person makes to gather phlegm and mucus before spitting
Attribution 3.0
Fart Strain
Someone straining to fart. This fart sounds like it took a little more effort than those other farts. Hard work really does pay off.
Attribution 3.0
Fizzing of a soda or pop. Bubbly effervescent sound. Makes me thirsty.
Attribution 3.0
Drawer Closing
Desk, or dresser drawer closing sound effect. Recorded at home in my bedroom. Great for sliding close sound.