Free Sound Effects
SoundBible.com has thousands of free sound effects for everyone. Browse our extensive sound library and pick and choose the sounds you want. Bookmark this page (Ctrl+D).
Attribution 3.0
Ice Cubes Glass
2 ice cubes are dropped into a frosted glass and slide down the side landing in a small ammount of liquid at the bottom. Very refreshing sound.

Attribution 3.0
Dial Tone American
Dial tone recorded from an American telephone land line. This is the tone you hear when you pick up a landline in the United States. A combination of the frequencies 350 Hz and 440 Hz.

Attribution 3.0
Field recording of a meadowlark song. The Meadowlark is a bird that feeds mostly on insects, and is a grassland bird belonging to the genus Sturnella

Attribution 3.0
Dixie Horn
The classic Dixie Horn being played from a bus, car, or truck. Also known as the Dukes of Hazzard Horn. Its actually 5 different trumpets rigged to play in a pattern.

Attribution 3.0
Crackling Fireplace
Crackling fireplace popping and snapping as wood is burned. Could also be used as a campfire sound. 10MB l minute long.

Attribution 3.0
Steam Train Whistle
A large steam train blowing his horn a few times as it chugs along.

Attribution 3.0
Submarine Diving
A NAVY submarine setting dive alarm and plunging to a thousand feet. Great for military video or game.

Attribution 3.0
Street sounds. Field recording of a urban or city street or road. Great urban soundscape. Cars and trucks driving by. Breaks squeaking, horns honking engines revving.

Attribution 3.0
Small Dog Barking
A small dog barking. Maybe a maltese or havanese, or some other small breed of dog. We love to troll our dog with this sound. Turn if up and watch your dog go crazy.