Alien Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Alien free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Attribution 3.0
Strange Noise
Some wicked crazy strange pulsing panning alien like noise. Looking for a strange noise? Here it is.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Monster Roar
Sound of a monster roaring, kinda a cool sound for tricker treaters, Halloween, or some film related to horror.

Attribution 3.0
UFO Takeoff
Imaginary alien craft taking off slow then speeding away...electronically engineered oscillator and lfos included. ableton device processing. one shot or loop possible.

Attribution 3.0
Alien Spaceship UFO
UFO or Alien Spacecraft ambience. Sound either from inside the spacecraft, or outside as the craft is landing.

Attribution 3.0
UFO Landing
Imaginary alien craft descending fast and slowing down...electronically engineered oscillator and lfos included. Ableton device processing. One shot or loop possible.

Attribution 3.0
Alien Machine Gun
For alien or si-fi movies. nice laser or electronic alien-like gun pulses. Good for sci-fi films.

Public Domain
Annoying Alien Buzzer
Its a very annoying high-pitched wobbly siren noise. It might give you a splitting headache if you listed to it to long. lol.

Attribution 3.0
Spooky Drone
Nice spooky drone or pulsing wavey pad sound effect. This sound will fit perfect into a horror or alien movie.

Public Domain
Alien Siren
A siren with some effects added. Great for an alien world or escape sequence.

Noncommercial 3.0
Power Up Ray
Sound of a gamer or game character powering up. Could also be an alien ray gun. Nice laser or power upgrade sound effect.

Attribution 3.0
Intruder Alert
Cool intrusion alarm detection sound effect. Sound like a sound you would hear on some space movie like 2001 space odyssey or one of those alien movies from the 90s with Sigourney Weaver in it.

Attribution 3.0
Laser shooting sound. Sounds like a laser gun for a sci fi flick or similar.

Attribution 3.0
Spaceship Takeoff
Sound of a space ship turning on and then flying away into the night. Modified sound from Richard.

Attribution 3.0
Space Ship Door Opening
Sound of a spaceship or space craft door opening. Nice vibrating sound phased and pulsed. Very alien. Sound requested by brooke for her class. Thanks for the request.

Attribution 3.0
Some great breathe sound effects by human. Could be warped to make some alien sounds.

Attribution 3.0
Computer Sci Fi
Computer processing data a good Sci Fi sound effect. Sound like a large cartoonish or sci fi machine.

Attribution 3.0
Time Travel Clip
time travel sound effect clip is great for sci-fi and alien sounds.

Attribution 3.0
Strange Alien
Strange alien sound effect was originally a drill sound uploaded by Msl but the quality was not great so we warped it into some alien like sound.

Attribution 3.0
Chamber Decompressing
Sound of an air chamber decompressing. Could be used for a spaceship, or hyperbolic chamber, or cryogenic chamber, even a space shuttle, or star trek like sound.

Public Domain
Strange Static
Some static that was changed to make it sound like an alien.

Public Domain
Alien AlarmDrum
A strange sound generated in Audacity. A weird drum beating 16 times this is loopable and sounds like an alien. Pretty cool sound.

Attribution 3.0
Martian Death Ray
Ray gun or alien death ray zapping and killing the humans who are attacking. Great sci fi sound.

Attribution 3.0
Spacecraft Hatch Opening
Sound of a spacecraft hatch opening. Great pressurized hatch release of air pressure and then metal lid creaking open. Almost a bit spooky. Sound requested by brooke for her class. thanks for the request.

Attribution 3.0
Martian Scanner
Cool martian scanner sound effect. Sound like a sound you would hear on some space movie like 2001 space odyssey or one of those alien movies from the 90s with Sigourney Weaver in it.

Attribution 3.0
Mars Attacks
The sound of martians attacking us. Great for space, or sci fi like fanatics.

Personal Use Only
Wookie Chewbacca Impression
Wookie Chewbacca impression from Star Wars making that strange wookie yell

Attribution 3.0
Alien Recording
Alien Recording Sounds, Like and Alien talking