Bath Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Bath free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Personal Use Only
Wet Fart Squish
A nice gross wet fart sound, a fart with benefits if you like to think of it that way. Had to change my underwear.

Attribution 3.0
Common Fart
A common everyday fart that you might do when no one else is around.

Attribution 3.0
Fart Squeeze Knees
Lay on your back and squeeze your knees while farting to get this fart sound.

Public Domain
Toilet Flushing
A toilet flushing - very gross. i recorded this with my mp3 player... Good thing I didnt drop it in the toilet.

Attribution 3.0
Quick Fart
A very quick fart or farting sound. This one is quick, must have let it slip.

Attribution 3.0
Water Drop
Perfectly clear water drop sound effect. Great for a leaky sink, a bathtub, shower, sprinkler or any number of liquid dripping sound effects. If you like this one be sure to search for water drop using the search menu it will show you the other 2 sound effects just like this.

Attribution 3.0
Water Splash
Water splash or splashing sound effect requested by Caroline. Great for any wet situational sound.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Rowing A Boat
A great row boat sound effect. Thanks to Nina west for requesting the sound of a small rowing boat on a calm lake.

Attribution 3.0
Fart Noises
Some really great fart noises and gross sound clips.

Attribution 3.0
Water Drop Sound High
Higher pitch water drop sound effect. Great for a leaky sink, a bathtub, shower, sprinkler or any number of liquid dripping sound effects. If you like this one be sure to search for water drop using the search menu it will show you the other 2 sound effects just like this.

Attribution 3.0
Water Drop Low
Perfectly clear water drop sound effect a little lower sounding than most. Great for a leaky sink, a bathtub, shower, sprinkler or any number of liquid dripping sound effects. If you like this one be sure to search for water drop using the search menu it will show you the other 2 sound effects just like this.

Personal Use Only
Iguana Farts In A Bathtub
Funny sound from some video of an iguanna farting in a bathtub. Want to see the video Go to you tube and search Iguana Farts In A Bathtub. Yum.

Public Domain
Flushing The Toilet
Sound of person flushing the toilet. Toilet flush sound effect is public domain so use it however you want. Great bathroom, restroom, or cleaning sounds.

Personal Use Only
Fart Reverberating Bathroom
Fart sound reverberating of the bathroom walls

Attribution 3.0
Flush Toilet 2
Nice clean and clear recording of the toilet bowl being flushed up close.

Attribution 3.0
Running Water
Sound of running water down pipes, tubes, rocks, or out of a pump. Sound like someone is filling a bathtub full of water.

Public Domain
Having A Shower
Nicely recorded shower that is in the public domain so thats a bonus. Sounds great for any bathroom sound request.

Attribution 3.0
Spit Splat
Spitting or splatting sound effect made by spitting small ammount of water into bathroom sink 1.

Attribution 3.0
River Noise
Noise of a river or brook. Great water sound effect recorded by Caroline Ford

Attribution 3.0
Girl Pees In Toilet
A girl my wife to be exact peeing in the toilet

Attribution 3.0
Pooping sound dropping kids off at pool. Splish splash.

Attribution 3.0
Electric Razor
I recorded a sound which sounds a lot like an electric razor. I added bass to give it some juice. Thanks to Mark DiAngelo for this one.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Water Balloon
Water balloon or splash sound effect requested by Caroline. Great for any wet situational sound.

Attr-Noncom 3.0 Unported
Amazing wetlands nature sound clip. This field recording contains a Swan take off, a Herring Gull, and Western Sandpiper recorded Long Island, April 2004 by Tony Phillips.

Attribution 3.0
Real Messy Fart
This fart is so messy the person farting needed to change his underwear. Yeah gross.

Attribution 3.0
Funny Fart Trail
A very funny sounding fart that sort of trails off into silence. This one was a blast to make. :)

Attribution 3.0
Water Fountain Noise
Noise made from a water fountain. Great water or trickle sound effect.