Broke Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Broke free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Attribution 3.0
Sound of someone crying. This person is morning or sad about something. Poor poor person.

Attr-Noncommercial 3.0
Glass Break
Glass or winshield breaking on car. Smal crack not a massive shattering sound. Great for a broken glass sound.

Attribution 3.0
Piano Breaking
The sound effect is often heard on pianos that have been broken by falling. Sounds like everything is falling apart and going wrong.

Attribution 3.0
Light Bulb Breaking
Light bulb breaking sound attained by breaking small champagne glass on cement floor

Attribution 3.0
Some sad human is crying and very unhappy about something.

Attribution 3.0
Dry Cough
Dry cough sound effect. This one is probably a males cough. I was sick. Great for sickness, plague, pneumonia, or any other similar sound effect need.

Attribution 3.0
Groan And Grunt
Old person grunting or in pain. Groan sounds used for pain or suffering or just to emphasize movement.

Attribution 3.0
Plate Shatter Break
Plate Shatter Break it almost bounces then breaks.

Attribution 3.0
Groaning or in pain sound. Groan sounds used for pain or suffering or just to emphasize movement.

Attribution 3.0
Uh Oh Baby
Cute little baby my son 2 years old saying Uh Oh! Its great for tons of reasons. Good sound for any library.

Attribution 3.0
Woman Blowing Nose
The sound of a woman blowing her nose. She sounds sickly.

Attribution 3.0
Nose Blowing
Another blowing nose sound effect of someone sick.

Attribution 3.0
Another sick human patient blowing his nose. Great hostpical or doctor sounds

Public Domain
Piece Of Crap
My brother used to have a phone and he broke it. So I recorded it. This is all it did when you turned it on.

Attribution 3.0
Blowing Nose
Great blowing nose sound effect. Great for calling in sick to work. :)