Camping Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Camping free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Public Domain
Nature Ambiance
Cool Nature Ambiance sound effect. Great for outdoor scenes in movies and video games. Enjoy this sound is in the public domain.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Fisher Cat
Real fisher cat sounds in wav and mp3 format. High resolution audio of this elusive animal. Great recording.

Attribution 3.0
Sound of a waterfall spilling down into a river. Great nature sound effects.

Attribution 3.0
Crickets At Night
A nice little recording of crickets at night recorded in my backyard with my handy dandy Zoom H4

Attribution 3.0
Birds After Rain
After the rain passed there were some nice little birds that came out of hiding and began to make music. The WAV version and the ZIP File version include the full 1+ minute of audio but the MP3 download link is smaller, as we use this to play a preview and it is to large to auto-load on a page without delay. So basically..download the .ZIP or .WAV for the full sound. :P

Attribution 3.0
Mosquito Buzzing
Mosquito buzzing or flying around our campsite. tiny bug sound created by flapping its wings

Attribution 3.0
Sound of a very large brown or grizzly bear roaring and growling in the wilderness. Great for camping or nature sounds.

Attribution 3.0
Light Rain And Crickets
Sound of light rain and crickets at sunset. Very calming serene nature sound. Great for relaxing.

Attribution 3.0
Crackling Fireplace
Crackling fireplace popping and snapping as wood is burned. Could also be used as a campfire sound. 10MB l minute long.

Personal Use Only
The sound of a jaguar in wav or mp3 format. This sound is from the zoo, and is not royalty free. You can use this jaguar or large cat sound for personal use only. Sound requested by Kevin. Thanks Kevin

Public Domain
Medium Pack Of Wolves Howling
A medium size pack of wolves about 6 or 7 howling and moaning at the moon at dusk. You can also hear the crickets and a few birds

Attribution 3.0
Wasp sound great for an insect buzzing or even a bee, mosquito, hornet, or gnat.

Attr-Noncom 3.0 Unported
Hoot Owl
Nice short hoot owl or barred owl call sound clip. Field recording by Tony Phillips. Sound recorded June 1997. The Barred Owl, Strix varia, is a large typical owl. It goes by many other names, including eight hooter, rain owl, wood owl, and striped owl, but is probably known best as the hoot owl.

Public Domain
Spotted Owl Call
Sound of the rare Spotted Owl recorded at Yosemite National Park. This sound is public domain.

Attribution 3.0
Crickets And Geese
This would have been an awesome canadian geese field recording if it were not for those crickets. So now its a cricket and canadian geese recording. Geese are flying south for the winter and pass by my house several times a week now.

Attr-Noncom 3.0 Unported
Barred Owl
Sound of a Barred Owl in the forest of mohonk preserve. Great nature sound clip with some other birds in the distance as well. Field recording by Tony Phillips. Recorded at 9am in the morning New Paltz, June 1997 Tony says We stared at each other for about ten minutes. Every so often he would hoot. Each hoot was accompanied by a white flash from his collar as his throat pouch swelled and presumably showed the lighter, lower parts of the feathers.

Public Domain
Bear And Ber Cubs
The sound of a mother bear with its cubs. Great nature and natural mammal sounds for camping, or outdoor sounds.