Cave Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Cave free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Attribution 3.0
Tornado Siren II
This is another tornado siren that was recorded and then moded by SoundBible.com its your typical early warning alert system for tornados sounds like air raid siren. The preview above is just 40 seconds but the zip file is 15 minutes long, and the wav file is 5 minutes (50 MB) .Download the mp3 push play turn up the speakers and walk out of the room and see what happens :)

Sampling Plus 1.0
Air Plane Ding
Sound of the captain dinging the persons in the cockpit right before he makes an announcement.

Attribution 3.0
Old Sub Sonar
Old sub sonar in stereo. Great uboat, or wwii submarine sound effect. Sound effect recorded from pd wwii film, then mastered and put into stereo. Thanks to Mark Pancino for the request.

Attribution 3.0
Tornado Siren
A tornado alert in stereo or air raid siren going off in a town out west, great for war or storms, or similar situations. Even good for a spooky movie.

Attribution 3.0
Scary Ambiance
Nice scary sound or horror ambiance sound effect for Halloween or some spooky movie. Super scary and twisted.

Attr-Noncommercial 3.0
Bats In Cave
Hundreds of bats flying around a dark and damp cave. Lots of reverberations off cave walls. This sound may also work as mice sound effects.

Attribution 3.0
Sonar Ping
4 Long sonar pings in stereo. Great uboat, or wwii submarine sound effect. Sound effect recorded from pd wwii film, then mastered and put into stereo. Thanks to Mark Pancino for the request.

Public Domain
Very cool gorilla sound. Great for a zoo, or primate and monkey scene. The sound is public domain so thats a bonus.

Attribution 3.0
Monster Growl
Some large ficticious monster growling and sounding really evil. Great for a dungeon, or scary scene or game. Scare the kids at Halloween!

Attr-Noncommercial 3.0
Cave Bats
Even larger and longer bat colony flying around a large and cavernous cave structure. Very spooky and great for Halloween.

Attr-Noncommercial 3.0
Cave In
Sound of a rock slide or cave in. Rocks stones dirt and other debri sliding down a cliff.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Rock Slide
Sound of a fast rock slide or a mine caving in. Great violent fast falling movements by rocks requested by Yair Mossel

Public Domain
Very cool ape sound. Great for a zoo, or primate and monkey scene. The sound is public domain so thats a bonus.

Attribution 3.0
Long sonar ping in stereo. Great uboat, or wwii submarine sound effect. Sound effect recorded from pd wwii film, then mastered and put into stereo. Thanks to Mark Pancino for the request.

Attribution 3.0
Car Loosing Control
A car spining out of control or loosing control sound. Great for an auto scene or car game.

Attribution 3.0
Machine Sound
Metallic sound that could be made by a large machine. Very dark and ambient with lots of reverb.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Cave In Sound
Sound of a fast processed cave in. A little digital magic. Great violent fast falling movements by rocks requested by Yair Mossel

Attribution 3.0
Torch or fireball sound effect. Nice fire sizzling torch sound. Great for caves, explorers, medieval castles, dnd games.

Personal Use Only
A buzzard or vulture sound effect from a red tailed hawk. great for desert.

Attribution 3.0
A bat or chiroptera flying by. Cool for halloween, or a spooky movie.

Attribution 3.0
Dark Cavern Soundscape
Dark Cavern dripping and glitches soundscape