Cock Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Cock free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Attribution 3.0
Simple loud bass heavy bomb explosion sound effect. Awesome for war, or a battle sequence.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Air Plane Ding
Sound of the captain dinging the persons in the cockpit right before he makes an announcement.

Attribution 3.0
Ta Da
A ta da sound effect was requested Ruth Leacock. The sound you hear when you do something good or win something. Hey mom look at me Ta Da! Like that.

Attribution 3.0
Rooster Crowing
A rooster crowing early and gives a wakeup call at a small farm in the foothills of North Carolina. Great alarm or animal sound. Cock a doodle do!

Attribution 3.0
Another rooster sound effect for a farm or similar. Sound effect requested by yoli.

Attribution 3.0
Sounds Of War V 10
A couple of clips i put together to simulate a war-like exchange of fire. this is an epic battle sound effect. sounds like you are right in the middle. thanks Odd Fox!

Sampling Plus 1.0
Elevator Ding
Elevator ding or bing sound effect was a request from Sulaiman. Thanks for the request.

Attribution 3.0
Rooster Crow
Awesome sound of a rooster crowing early in the morning. Great farming or alarm clock sound effects.

Attribution 3.0
Gun Cocking Fast
A gun being cocked quickly as if shooter in hurrying to shoot someone.

Sampling Plus 1.0
50 Sniper Shot
A 50 cal sniper rifle gun shot sound perfect for movies, thanks to Liam for this sample.

Attribution 3.0
Airplane Takeoff
Airplane on a runway speeding up and taking off. Sound recorded from inside the cockpit.

Attribution 3.0
Mummy Zombie
A super monster. A breed of mummy zombie werewolf. OK. maybe not but its a cool evil monster sound.

Attribution 3.0
Gun Cocking Slow
A gun being cocked slowly to ephasize the action.

Attribution 3.0
Peacock Call
Awesome Peacock Sound call sound effect. Great 4 or 5 second stereo peacock sound. Sound requested by sue. Thanks sue.

Public Domain
The sound of chickens on a farm making chicken noises or chicken sounds. Old McDonald had a farm. E I E I ooooo!

Attribution 3.0
Monster Laugh
The sound of a monster laughing. Great for a zombie, halloween, or even mummy sound effect.

Attribution 3.0
Laser Machine Gun
Futuristic laser machine gun sound. What machine guns may sound like in the future. Gun cock and then pulse cannon fired many times.

Attribution 3.0
Time Bomb
Awesome time bomb tick tick tick boom explosion sound effect. Great for suspenseful bomb detonations. Best free time bomb sound effect yet.

Attribution 3.0
Zombie Brain Eater
Just in case youve not had enough zombie brain eating sound effects here are some more! MMMMMmmmm Brains!!

Personal Use Only
Molotov Cocktail Bomb
A Molotov cocktail flies by and crashes into a window with and explosion.

Sampling Plus 1.0
A live grenade tossed and explodes. Great for those battle or fight scenes.

Attribution 3.0
Sound of a butterfly flapping its wings quickly. This nature, animal, and insect sound requested by pakshep girdhar. Thanks for the request.

Attribution 3.0
Halloween Monster
Awesome Halloween Monster sound effect. Scare the kids that come trick or treating, great for haunted houses, and more.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Parakeet sound effects. 2 parakeets chatting it up in someones house or a forest. Sound was requested by anonymous submitter.

Attribution 3.0
Time Bomb Short
Awesome short time bomb tick tick tick boom explosion sound effect. Great for suspenseful bomb detonations. Best free time bomb sound effect yet.

Attr-Noncom 3.0 Unported
Morning dove coo sound effect in stereo with some other smaller birds further away. Great field recording by Tony Phillips.

Attribution 3.0
Peacock Bird
Sound of a peacock recorded by Caroline Ford. Great wild, nature, or zoo sound effect.

Attribution 3.0
Sound of a peacock recorded by Caroline Ford. Great wild, nature, or zoo sound effect.