Drum Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Drum free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Sampling Plus 1.0
Bike Horn
Funny double honk or toot of a bike horn. Sounds kinda like a clown.

Attribution 3.0
Perfect Thunder Storm
The Perfect Thunder Storm sound effect. Great lightning and thunder. Clean crisp loud.. and free.

Attribution 3.0
Civil War Drummer
Soldier marching drums. User Richy requested a Soldiers Slow March snare drum sound.

Attribution 3.0
Distant Thunder
The sound of a lightning bolt or thunder in the distance. Recorded during a summer rainstorm Aug 2009.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Great siren sound effect that is free and under creative commons sampling plus. Nice clear, and loud.

Attribution 3.0
Rain And Thunder Strikes
Cool sound of rain and thunder strikes. 2 thunder bolts with light rain as a background.

Attribution 3.0
Sound of someone crying. This person is morning or sad about something. Poor poor person.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Mountain Lion
Great Mountain Lion or cougar sound effect. This large cat is screaming or roaring. Great for jungle sounds and more. Sound requested by Robert, thanks Robert!

Sampling Plus 1.0
Loud and clear airhorn sound effect. Great for ball game sound effects or boating. Requested by Grady. Thanks grady!

Sampling Plus 1.0
Train Whistle
Train horn blowing or train whistle blowing twice a sound that was requested by Kevan. This one is actually an air horn but its the same sound or device.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Air Horn
Train horn blowing 1x or a toot as requested by Kevan. This one is actually an air horn but its the same sound or device.

Attribution 3.0
Drum Roll
Drum Roll sound effect from a drummer. Drum roll please!

Personal Use Only
Joke Sting
Drum after joke or punchline sound effect. also called a rimshot or joke sting. Requested by Hayden Flores. Thanks Hayden

Attribution 3.0
Sonic Boom
Sonic Boom Sound Effect of an fighter jet breaking this sound barrier. this Actually a real sonic boom, not a fake. Thanks to sandeep singh for the request.

Public Domain
Sunday Church Ambiance
Sunday Church Ambiance sound effect field recording. This is a great collage of church bells ringing, and small birds chirping ever so lightly. Great sound, and it public domain as well.

Attribution 3.0
Dinosaur Roar
Sound of a large meat eating dinosaur roaring very loud and clear. About a second long.

Attribution 3.0
Cop Car Siren
A cop car siren passed me on the way home, so i recorded it. Nice for a cop, or car chase, or just some city sound.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Train Horn Low
Train horn blowing or train whistle blowing sound was requested by Kevan. This one is actually an air horn but its the same sound or device.

Attribution 3.0
More Thunder
Recording of thunder and lightning sounds from a recent spring or early summer rain storm.

Attr-Noncom 3.0
This bagpipes sound clip was requested by alex. Its some guy playing amazing grace on the bagpipes. Its free under creative commons attribution noncommercial license.

Attribution 3.0
Lightning Bolt Light Rain
A bit og light rain and a lightning bolt with thunder crack sound effect in distance.

Attribution 3.0
Some sad human is crying and very unhappy about something.

Attribution 3.0
Medium Rainstorm
An average or medium size rainstorm or lightning storm. Very calming and relaxing really.

Attribution 3.0
Distant Thunder And Light Rain
The sound of a lightning bolt or thunder in the distance with light rain. Recorded during a summer rainstorm Aug 2009.

Public Domain
Vehicle Alarm
The sound of a vehicle alarm or car alarm. Great warning sound effect.

Public Domain
Alien AlarmDrum
A strange sound generated in Audacity. A weird drum beating 16 times this is loopable and sounds like an alien. Pretty cool sound.

Attribution 3.0
Count Off
Count off to 4 with drumsticks clicking. This sound usually precedes the beginning of a song.

Attribution 3.0
More Thunder 2
Another field recording of thunder and lightning sounds from a recent spring or early summer rain storm.

Attribution 3.0
African Tribal Circle
African tribe playing drums around a fire