Fido Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Fido free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Attribution 3.0
High Pitch Dog Whistle
Super high pitch dog whistle sound effect for 30 seconds. This file is super high pitch and your dog will hate you if you play this for too long. May be a great sound weapon for pest deterrents as well. Can be used to ward of mice, rodents, rats, stray dogs, stray cats, and even keep your street free of unwanted bums, beggars, hobos, etc :) See the 10 minute Dog Whistle Sound video. Very annoying.

Attribution 3.0
Tiger Growling
Tiger Growling and snarling sound effect. Great precursor to a tiger roaring or similar. Could also be a monster sound.

Attribution 3.0
Lion Growling
Lion Growling and snarling sound effect. Great precursor to a lion roaring or similar. Could also be a monster sound.

Attribution 3.0
Devil Dog Crazy
Some crazy devil dog growling at someone or something. Could be a guard or attack dog.

Attribution 3.0
Dog Growl Then Bark
Sound of a dog or large cat growling and then barking.

Attribution 3.0
Large Chains
Large chain sounds. Sound of them being banged and dragged around.

Attribution 3.0
Dog Bite
Sound of a medium size dog biting someone or something. Hes pissed off.

Attribution 3.0
Dog Whistle
Dog whistle sound mixed with a slightly lower frequency sound so that humans can hear it as well. Requested by ray leary. Thanks ray.

Attribution 3.0
Dog Whistle
Dog whistle super high pitch audio sample that will make you sick to your stomache and have a headache if you listen to it for too long. Turn up your speakers. Very very very annoying.

Attribution 3.0
Large Angry Dog
A very large angry dog growling and snarling. Pretty evil.

Attribution 3.0
Angry Dog
Very angry dog growling at someone or something. Could be a guard dog. Angry dog requested by calvin.

Attribution 3.0
Large Angry Dog 2
A very large angry dog growling and snarling. Pretty evil. Number 2.

Attribution 3.0
Dog Chain
Dog chain rattle sound effect. Its great for chain mail, chains, or just clanking metal sound.