Forest Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Forest free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Noncommercial 3.0
Owl Hooting
The eight-note hoot of the barred owl is often used as a call to locate gobblers in the early morning or late evening hours. Field recording by National Wild Turkey Federation.

Public Domain
Rainforest Ambience
Rainforest ambience with birds and crickets sound

Sampling Plus 1.0
Monster Roar
Sound of a monster roaring, kinda a cool sound for tricker treaters, Halloween, or some film related to horror.

Public Domain
Running water sound. Sound of tap water or a small stream or babbling brook. Thanks to Lisa Redfern for another high quality sound effect.

Public Domain
A chorus of many frogs singing together. Sounds like you are in a swamp or wet ditch after a rainstorm, or at sunset. Thanks to Lisa Redfern for the nice aquatic sounds.

Attribution 3.0
Hyena Laughing
Hyena Laughing a few different times. From African savanna.

Public Domain
Nature Ambiance
Cool Nature Ambiance sound effect. Great for outdoor scenes in movies and video games. Enjoy this sound is in the public domain.

Attribution 3.0
This is the rare sound of a 7 or 17 year cicada, one of the rarest of the 250 known cicada species. These bugs which i have very fond memories of as a child, can and do stay hidden underground for up to 17 years and then come out again, mate and then bury themselves for another 17 years. Awesome little insects!

Attribution 3.0
Tree Fall Small
Small tree falling in woods and leaves and branches moving about

Noncommercial 3.0
Turkey Gobble
The gobble is one of the principal vocalizations of the male wild turkey and is used primarily in the spring to let hens know he is in the area. Field recording by National Wild Turkey Federation.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Fisher Cat
Real fisher cat sounds in wav and mp3 format. High resolution audio of this elusive animal. Great recording.

Personal Use Only
Monkeys Monkeying Around
Monkeys monkeying around (excuse the pun) at a zoo

Public Domain
Very cool gorilla sound. Great for a zoo, or primate and monkey scene. The sound is public domain so thats a bonus.

Public Domain
The sound of a large elk bugling. This sound is public domain so enjoy.

Noncommercial 3.0
Brush Fire
Sound of a brush fire burning slowly. You can hear the fire crackling and the grass and wood burning.

Attribution 3.0
Light Rain And Crickets
Sound of light rain and crickets at sunset. Very calming serene nature sound. Great for relaxing.

Attribution 3.0
Tree Frogs And Birds
Tree frogs, birds, and crickets recorded in a field after a decent rainfall as the sunset

Attr-Noncom 3.0 Unported
Baby Chicks
Sound of baby chicks calling to their mother. This sound was recorded by Tony Phillips, but we tweaked it and made is sound like some baby chicks and not osprey.

Attribution 3.0
Alligator Crocodile Growl
Alligator Crocodile or Dragon Low Growl. Very bass vibrato and a bit scary. Great animal nature sound.

Attr-Noncom 3.0 Unported
Red Tailed Hawk
Red Tailed Hawk Call awesome field recording. Sound from Tony Phillips. Buteo jamaicensis.

Personal Use Only
The sound of a jaguar in wav or mp3 format. This sound is from the zoo, and is not royalty free. You can use this jaguar or large cat sound for personal use only. Sound requested by Kevin. Thanks Kevin

Noncommercial 3.0
Turkey Hen Yelping
The yelp is a basic turkey sound. It is often delivered in a series of single note vocalizations and can have different meanings depending on how the hen uses it. Field recording by National Wild Turkey Federation.

Attribution 3.0
Jungle rainforest sounds with frogs and other small animals. Great background or nature ambience.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Parakeet sound effects. 2 parakeets chatting it up in someones house or a forest. Sound was requested by anonymous submitter.

Personal Use Only
Mockingbird Call
mockingbird call in the backyard those birds are so funny

Personal Use Only
Tree Falling In Woods
Tree Falling in Woods if no ones around this is what it sounds like