Gunfire Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Gunfire free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Attribution 3.0
M1 Garand Gunfire
M1 Garand gunfire on battlefield. M1 Garrand is a 30 caliber rifle, and often called Greatest Battle Implement Ever Devised. It was the first semi-automatic rifle used by the military. Sound effect requested by William Andrews. Thanks William.

Attribution 3.0
Winchester 1873 Single Shots
Winchester Model 1873 chambered in .44-40 cartridge. Gunfire in singles with ricochet sounds mixed in.

Attr-Noncommercial 3.0
Sniper Fire Reload
Sound of a sniper rifle firing a shot and then reloading. This is a bolt action rifle.

Attribution 3.0
P90 Machine Gun Fire
P90 designed by Belgian firearms manufacturer FN Herstal being fired. P90 gunfire was requested by EVAN.

Attribution 3.0
M1 Garand Single
M1 Garand Single Shot gunfire sound effect. M1 Garrand is a 30 caliber rifle, and often called Greatest Battle Implement Ever Devised. It was the first semi-automatic rifle used by the military. Sound effect requested by William Andrews. Thanks William.

Attribution 3.0
P90 Gun Fire
More P90 gunfire as requested by EVAN. P90 designed by Belgian firearms manufacturer FN Herstal being fired.

Attribution 3.0
Bullet Whizzing By
Bullet whizzing close to you as it goes by. The sound of a bullet whizzing by from a gun battle or in close combat situation or friendly fire. Requested by William Carroll.

Attribution 3.0
AR-15 Gunfire
6 shots fired in rapid succession from Bushmaster AR-15 Semi Automatic. Shots fired at indoor range so they are a bit muted. You can hear the magazine being snapped in and a few shells falling too. Pretty cool sound.

Attribution 3.0
M1 Garand Gun
M1 Garand Double Shot gunfire sound effect. M1 Garrand is a 30 caliber rifle, and often called Greatest Battle Implement Ever Devised. It was the first semi-automatic rifle used by the military. Sound effect requested by William Andrews. Thanks William.

Attribution 3.0
44 Magnum
44 Magnum gunshot outside with reverb. Nice clean and clear stereo 44 magnum gunfire sound.

Attribution 3.0
Glock 18 Full Auto
This is the awesome sound of a fully automatic glock 9mm. Great for some intense gunfire for a gun fight.

Attribution 3.0
50 Cal Machine Gun
50 Cal Machine Gun. Gunfire during a gunfight in Iraq, or Afghanistan. Great battle sound effects.