Kids Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Kids free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Public Domain
Music Box
A music box playing a delightful tune. Quick tune could be used for a notification sound on pc or cell phone, or whatever else you can dream up.

Personal Use Only
Kids Cheering
Cute Kids Cheering sound for a sports game. Great for basketball, football, baseball, or even tennis.

Attribution 3.0
Children Laughing
The sound of both of my kids son and daughter cutting up and being silly. Laughter and a few bits of giberish.

Attribution 3.0
Cartoon Birds 2
Cartoon birds chirping silly. Cartoonish animated birds like you might find in a childs cartoon.

Public Domain
Children Playing
Children playing in a pool. An indoor pool. Requested by mignon.

Attribution 3.0
Small Crowd
Small crowd of parents and kids in a gymnasium at an elementary school basketball game.

Attribution 3.0
Van Sliding Door
Van door sliding close after loading or picking up kids. Sliding door on a van could be used for a closing door.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Ho Ho Ho St Nick
St Nick saying ho ho ho. Great Christmas sound for the kids around the holidays.

Attribution 3.0
Beach Soundscape 3
A great Beach Soundscape recorded live at the outer banks of North Carolina. Waves crash, and you can even hear kids playing at certain parts.

Attribution 3.0
Kids Laughing
The sound of kids laughing. If you want more kids you can download audacity from the right side of the page and layer the sound 2, 3, or 4 times. This sound was requested by tami.

Attribution 3.0
End Of Game
The last few seconds of a basketball game for elementary kids this sound includes the ending buzzer and the crows talking.

Attribution 3.0
Halloween Monster
Awesome Halloween Monster sound effect. Scare the kids that come trick or treating, great for haunted houses, and more.

Attribution 3.0
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas from St Nick. Great Christmas sound for the kids around the holidays.

Attribution 3.0
Monster Growl
Some large ficticious monster growling and sounding really evil. Great for a dungeon, or scary scene or game. Scare the kids at Halloween!

Attribution 3.0
Jolly Laugh
Jolly Laugh. St Nick giving a great jolly laugh from his stomache. Great Christmas sound for the kids around the holidays.

Attribution 3.0
Santa Clause Jolly Laugh
Santa Clause Jolly Laugh. Merry Christmas from St Nick. Great Christmas sound for the kids around the holidays.

Attribution 3.0
Pooping sound dropping kids off at pool. Splish splash.

Attribution 3.0
Kids Cheerleading
Little kids at an elementary school baseketball game cheering for the basketball team.

Attribution 3.0
Times Up 2
Cute time up kids voice 2 also requested by Amy. Good for some cute kids game or activity.

Public Domain
Swimming Pool Ambiance
Swimming Pool Summer Ambiance recorded at indoor aquatic center. Sound recorded by Stephan and is in the public domain.

Attribution 3.0
Kids Laughing
2 Kids Laughing a quick but cute sound effect for those needing a canned laughter sound.

Attribution 3.0
Hickory Dickory Dock
A kids record player plays Hickory Dickory Dock record in a grainy plinky tone.

Attribution 3.0
Girl Says Daddy
My little girl saying Daddy. Its music to my ears. :) Ver cute kids voice.

Attribution 3.0
Pellet Gun Pump
Sound of a pellet gun pumping. This fast click could be used for many sound effects.

Attribution 3.0
Free Walla Track
Short and Free Walla Track filled with people and kids speaking

Attribution 3.0
Time Up Kids Voice
Cute time up kids voice requested by Amy. Good for some cute kids game or activity.

Attribution 3.0
Mother In Law
My mother in law talking to my kids saying Nana Can Take Care of It. Shes a good lady even if she is my mother in law :)