Vader Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Vader free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Personal Use Only
Lightsaber Turn On
Lightsaber Turn On sound effect from Star Wars movie

Attribution 3.0
Evil Laughs
4 evil laughs dark and deep with a bit of reberb added for that extra dark and dank dungeon like sound. Alsmost sounds like Darth Vader but these are 100 percent original.

Attribution 3.0
Intruder Alert
Cool intrusion alarm detection sound effect. Sound like a sound you would hear on some space movie like 2001 space odyssey or one of those alien movies from the 90s with Sigourney Weaver in it.

Personal Use Only
Lightsaber Pulse
Lightsaber pulse and pan sound from Star Wars empire strikes back

Attribution 3.0
Martian Scanner
Cool martian scanner sound effect. Sound like a sound you would hear on some space movie like 2001 space odyssey or one of those alien movies from the 90s with Sigourney Weaver in it.

Public Domain
Yoda knows the Force is in you...Vocals highly processed. Nice for sci fi spoof.