Walking Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Walking free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Attribution 3.0
Soldiers Marching
Sound of soldiers marching in formation. Great sound effect for war or a battle sequence.

Attribution 3.0
The sound of footsteps on wooden floor or pavement. Great for an eerie or suspenseful scene. Requested by Monika

Attribution 3.0
Walking On Gravel
The sound of someone walking on gravel, or a small loose rock bed. Could be used for hiking or similar.

Public Domain
Perfect walking sound effect. Sound of several people walking buy on a hard surface with hard shoes. You can hear the sound reverberating off the walls and solid flooring.

Attribution 3.0
Cartoon Walking
A funny cartoon walking sound. Next time you watch spongebob this is the sound that Squidward Tentacles makes when he walks.

Attribution 3.0
Walking Away
The sound of footsteps leaving or going. Sound of someone walking towards away. Requesteed by Monika

Attr-Noncommercial 3.0
Fast Heel Walk
Someone walking quickly in high heels. Thanks to Kyanna for the sound effect.

Public Domain
Godzilla Walking
Godzilla walking sound effect could also be used for giant walking ogre walking or king kong walking

Attribution 3.0
Robot Leg Moving
Robot arm and leg movement sound effects. Small fast robot movements. Robot walking or grabbing something.

Public Domain
Hiking A Trail
Sound of a person hiking a trail in the woods or at a state or national park or reserve.

Attribution 3.0
Zombie Attack Walk
Zombie Attack Walking sound. Hes going to want to eat some human flesh soon. Zombie sounds requested by jordangiese.

Attribution 3.0
Small Electrical Motor
Small electrical motor or robot arm sound effect. this is a very small elect5ical motor sound. Good for a robot finger or head rotation sound.

Attribution 3.0
Small Servo Motor
Servo motor or robot arm sound effect. this is a very small elect5ical motor sound. Good for a robot finger or head rotation sound.

Attribution 3.0
Walking In Snow
Walking in Snow sound. Ice crunches under feet. Pretty cool

Attribution 3.0
Hard Shoes
Hard sole shoes walking a hallway of a school or office complex.

Attribution 3.0
Sci Fi Robot
sci fi robot or science fiction robot moving. Great for a robot walking or moving his arm or even rotating appendages.

Personal Use Only
City Sidewalk And Pedestrians
City sidewalk with pedestrians walking by.

Public Domain
Cowboy With Spurs
Cowboy with boots and spurs walking, very short sound

Attribution 3.0
Large Servo Motor
Servo motor or robot arm sound effect. this is a very large elect5ical motor sound.

Public Domain
Church Ambiance
church ambiance sound effects that include people whispering, a priest walking in hard sole shoes, and the church sounds.

Attribution 3.0
Mechanical Arm
Request for mechanical arm sound effects was made by DARRELL. Here is one of the sounds.

Attribution 3.0
Hiccuping sound effect. Some drunk hiccup at a bar or just walking the street.

Attribution 3.0
Climbing Mt Everest
Climbing Mount Everest or walking in the snow crunching sound.

Attribution 3.0
Sounds from basement. This is what it sounds like to be in a damp and dark basement and having someone walking overhead.

Attribution 3.0
Hiccuping sound effect again #2. Some drunk hiccup at a bar or just walking the street.