Witch Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Witch free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Attribution 3.0
Maniacal Witches Laugh
A very maniacal Witch Laugh great for a halloween soundtrack, for scary movie, or scifi and fantasy fanatics.

Public Domain
AM Radio Tuning
Sony Battery-powered AM Radio Weak Signal Switches and Tuning. Changing stations on a manual radio.

Attribution 3.0
Sound effect of someone jumping. Almost sounds like a Mario or Luigi from Mario Brothers jumping sound effect. Great for a game or funny scene.

Attribution 3.0
Mummy Zombie
A super monster. A breed of mummy zombie werewolf. OK. maybe not but its a cool evil monster sound.

Attribution 3.0
The sound of night. Nightime sound effect clip that has crickets, frogs, and cicadas making night noises. Complete stereo field preserved. Great nighttime field recording.

Attribution 3.0
Click On
Cool computer button click sound. Great for an operating system or web page. Great on or off toggle sound.

Attribution 3.0
Monster Laugh
The sound of a monster laughing. Great for a zombie, halloween, or even mummy sound effect.

Noncommercial 3.0
Bow Fire Arrow
Sound of a hunting bow firing an arrow or bolt at a target. Great for an archery game of movie.

Attribution 3.0
Swords Clashing
Medieval swords clashing with each other. Great roman or gladiator war or fighting sounds.

Attribution 3.0
Great whip crack or cracking sound effect of a cattle bull whip. Quick sound of the whip cutting threw the air followed by a loud crack or whip sound.

Attribution 3.0
Zombie Brain Eater
Just in case youve not had enough zombie brain eating sound effects here are some more! MMMMMmmmm Brains!!

Attribution 3.0
The sound of a button being clicked. Great for flash design or operating system.

Attribution 3.0
Magical wand sound effect. Sound of magic in the making. Wave of a wand, rabbit out of a hat, disappearing, teleporting.

Attribution 3.0
decapitation sound effect from a sword,scythe, sickle, or guillotine cutting off a head. This was an anonymous request.

Attribution 3.0
Twitch or twitching sound effect for a person. Agitation sound effect of a person. Semi quick impulsive annoying sound. Twitch sound requested by abdhulla. Thank abdhulla!

Attribution 3.0
Button Click Off
Sound of a button click off. Great computer sound click effect, or flash sound effect.

Attribution 3.0
Halloween Monster
Awesome Halloween Monster sound effect. Scare the kids that come trick or treating, great for haunted houses, and more.

Attribution 3.0
Button Click
The sound of a button clicking. Great click, tick, snap, on off, or light switch sound effect.

Attribution 3.0
Vampire Bite
The sound of a vampire biting a human. This gothic sound requested by anonymous user.

Attribution 3.0
Decapitation Head Blood
Decapitation and head falling off and blood squirting sound effect from a sword,scythe, sickle, or guillotine cutting off a head. This was an anonymous request.

Personal Use Only
Falling Off
Sound of someone falling and screaming as they fall. Pretty cool sound effect.

Attribution 3.0
Sound of a switch being thrown. Good for power sound, light on or off sound, or snap.

Attribution 3.0
Sword Strike And Clash
Great metal sword strike sound effect for a war or battle scene. Like a ninja or something.

Attribution 3.0
Flash Animation
An awesome flash animation movement sound effect. Great for flashing between scenes or similar.

Attribution 3.0
Bubbling Cauldron
Cauldron Bubbling sound made by recording bubbling water and rice mixture great for Halloween or witch movie

Attribution 3.0
Decapitation Head Fall Off
Decapitation and head falling off sound effect from a sword,scythe, sickle, or guillotine cutting off a head. This was an anonymous request.

Attribution 3.0
Perfect reverse or rewind sound effect. A backwards sound effect for you.

Attribution 3.0
Pen Clicking
You know that annoying sound that people make when they anxiously and subconsciously click on a pen over and over. Yeah this is that sound just once.

Attribution 3.0
Sound of a switch being thrown. Good for power sound, light on or off sound, or snap.