Free Sound Effects
SoundBible.com has thousands of free sound effects for everyone. Browse our extensive sound library and pick and choose the sounds you want. Bookmark this page (Ctrl+D).
Attribution 3.0
Helicopter Leaving
A helicopter leaving shortly after lift off. Helicopter flies away sound effect.

Attribution 3.0
Turkey Call 2
Another very clean and mastered turkey hen calling. Can be used to call male Tom or Gobbler. Great for hunters.

Attribution 3.0
Son saying his abcs to G and then stopping. He can say them all but he stopped.

Attribution 3.0
Helicopter Hovering
Helicopter mid size hovering overhead for 20 seconds. Can be looped easily for even longer sound effects.

Attribution 3.0
Helicopter Circling Back
Sound of a Helicopter Circling Back after it passes over head. Sounds like hes doubling back to find a place to land.

Attribution 3.0
Hello Son
My son saying hello while on vacation. Cute little kid talking.

Attribution 3.0
Turkey Call
Very clean and mastered turkey hen calling. Can be used to call male Tom or Gobbler. Great for hunters.

Attribution 3.0
Spooky Drone
Nice spooky drone or pulsing wavey pad sound effect. This sound will fit perfect into a horror or alien movie.