Free Sound Effects
SoundBible.com has thousands of free sound effects for everyone. Browse our extensive sound library and pick and choose the sounds you want. Bookmark this page (Ctrl+D).
Attribution 3.0
2 Crows Calling
2 crows calling eachother in a field somewhere in Arkansas. could be used to call crows or just for fun.

Attribution 3.0
Sound of a small pile of something crumbling or disintegrating into nothing Sound was a request by Rykrdo Reed.

Attribution 3.0
Martian Death Ray
Ray gun or alien death ray zapping and killing the humans who are attacking. Great sci fi sound.

Personal Use Only
Army Strong Theme Song
The Army Strong Theme song was requested by Josh Bensinger. Normally we would tag governmental stuff as Public Domain but with this we are not sure. The military has a marketing department and this may be copy-written.

Public Domain
Scary Demon Haunting
Multiple sfx blended together with a creepy demonic voice over for a Good Scare. Big thanks to Adam Webb from SoundBible.com for the sound donation, this audio is awesome!

Attribution 3.0
Football Crowd
Football crowd at a sports center or sporting event. This sound effect is perfect because it doesnt have any announcer or music in the background and this makes it totally legit. football crowd requested by football allen

Attribution 3.0
Sports Crowd
A 40 second clip of a crowd at a sports center or sporting event. This sound effect is perfect because it doesnt have any announcer or music in the background and this makes it totally legit. football crowd requested by football allen

Attribution 3.0
416 Barrett Sniper 3x
Sound of a .416 barrett sniper rifle being fired 3 times in a row with a bit of reverb added so the gunshot was not truncated. sounds requested by trevor browning.

Attribution 3.0
Bye Bye Son
My son saying bye bye while on a vacation in the mtns of NC