Free Sound Effects

Free Sound Effects has thousands of free sound effects for everyone. Browse our extensive sound library and pick and choose the sounds you want. Bookmark this page (Ctrl+D).

Attribution 3.0

Zombie Horde

Sound of a large zombie horde consisting of nearly a hundred of the undead lumbering around in a very unorganized fashion.

Mike Koenig Mike Koenig
 136552     4/5

Attribution 3.0

Climactic Suspense

This is the sound that you hear right before the s.h.t.f. in a horror movie. Right before something bad happens. Very suspenseful.

Mike Koenig Mike Koenig
 112734     4/5

Attribution 3.0

Psychotic Laugh Female

Super psychotic female laugh from a possesed girl or demonic minion. Great for halloween.

Mike Koenig Mike Koenig
 104631     4/5

Attribution 3.0

Sad Trombone

This is the Sad Trombone sound effect great for telling someone they screwed up or have just messed something up big. Bookmark and play for your good humor of course.

Joe Lamb Joe Lamb
 346931     4/5

Attribution 3.0

Medium Rainstorm

An average or medium size rainstorm or lightning storm. Very calming and relaxing really.

Mike Koenig Mike Koenig
 69680     4/5

Attribution 3.0


Poltergeist type sound effect much akin to the sounds used the Poltergeist movies from the 1980s where the little girl is speaking from inside the tv set.

Mike Koenig Mike Koenig
 170210     4/5

Attribution 3.0

Birds After Rain

After the rain passed there were some nice little birds that came out of hiding and began to make music. The WAV version and the ZIP File version include the full 1+ minute of audio but the MP3 download link is smaller, as we use this to play a preview and it is to large to auto-load on a page without delay. So the .ZIP or .WAV for the full sound. :P

Mike Koenig Mike Koenig
 98139     4/5

Attribution 3.0


Sounds of demons and lost souls screaming in anguish in hell. Very cool for a spooky horror movie.

Mike Koenig Mike Koenig
 192579     4/5

Attribution 3.0

Funny Boy Laugh

My son Noah again doing a few funny laughs. Hes a nut but a good kid. He sounds like he is pretending to be a baby. He does that because we think it is cute I imagine.

Mike Koenig Mike Koenig
 110031     4/5