Free Sound Effects
SoundBible.com has thousands of free sound effects for everyone. Browse our extensive sound library and pick and choose the sounds you want. Bookmark this page (Ctrl+D).
Attribution 3.0
Pterodactyl Screech
Sound of a pterodactyl or large prehistoric bird or monster screeching as it flies overhead.

Attribution 3.0
Pissed Off Duck
Sound of a pissed off mallard duck mom protecting her ducklings from a larger adult male.

Attribution 3.0
Metroid Door
The sound the door makes in metroid. Could also be used for a power up or morphing sound effect.

Attribution 3.0
Thunderstorm Thin
Its a storm with two thunderbolts striking. The low or bass end is very thin so this sound should only be used on something that would be played back on pc or laptop speakers. Thanks to Tim for the sound!

Attribution 3.0
Kids Cheerleading
Little kids at an elementary school baseketball game cheering for the basketball team.

Attribution 3.0
Gun Loud
A Pistol Shot very loud and from counterstrike and so one

Attribution 3.0
More Thunder
Recording of thunder and lightning sounds from a recent spring or early summer rain storm.

Attribution 3.0
Raccoon chattering 3x in a row. Great for nature shows or something that requires a Raccoon talking or making noises.

Attribution 3.0
Mallard Duck
Mallard duck or mallard ducks plural in a small pond at a nearby park. These can be used for generic duck sounds also. If you like this sound please see sound 2.